SkyCaddie Questions


Tour Rookie
Nov 27, 2007
West Lothian
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Finally decided to take the plunge and get a gps (sorry Brendy) and have looked at various models and decided on a Skycaddie
I am going for skycaddie as I have seen/heard others complain about golf buddy, Garmin and upro accuracy and course availability. I have used a Sonocaddie at St Andrews Bay and was not even sure I was on the same course at times. I know all about the subscriptions costs etc of a skycaddie but I will rather pay it and have an accurate course map, it’s the whole point of a gps
I am a little unsure about the differences between the some of the models especially the SG5 and SGX. The recent GM review said the SGX is worth the extra investment over the SG5 but I am not so sure unless I am missing something. Is my summary of the models correct?

SG 2.5 B/W screen basic model with distances to all hazards and FMB of green. Holds 20 courses
SG 5: As 2.5 with bigger colour screen. Shows slope of greens called IntelliGreen Pro (if course mapped) and has top down hole view (again if course mapped)
SGX: As 5 but again with bigger screen and better resolution ability to hold up to 30,000 courses. Controls User interface different layout different to allow one hand control

20 courses is more than enough for me to store at the one time so I can’t really see why the extra investment is worth it. Does the SGX provide something extra I am missing?

Also can you add your own lay-up distances onto each course if you wish with any of the models?
I have also looked at SG5 on fleabay and many of them have a silver casing and not black as the skycaddie website shows. Have there been different models of the SG5?
I have a 2.5 and am nearly sure you can alter the lay up distance (never done it as it was at 110m). the only benefit I can see with the more expensive models would be if you were playing a new course for the first time and didn't have a strokesaver for the hole layout.
SG5 owner here, 2.5 is tiny screen, sgx is overkill, sg5 does everything you want or need on a course and accurate- you get what you pay for.

The Garmin SG1 looks interesting though.....and cheaper
I am a little unsure about the differences between the some of the models especially the SG5 and SGX.

I might be able to offer a little insight as i have just upgraded rom SG5 to SGX. (still got the SG5 for sale by the way)

I love the skycaddie and convinced its helped me knock some shots off. It eliminates all doubt on distances. I used it to figure out my iron distances using the mark ball feature. However, value for money it aint. They are expensive and £30+ annual subscription.

The SG5 and SGX are very simliar and pretty much give all the same information. They display the information differently, but everything you need is there.

The main difference between the models is that SGX has a Hole view with zoom feature which displays a top-down view of the entire hole which shows bunkers and hazards in a easy to view picture. There is also a curser that you can move around and the yardage changes. ie telling you how far from the tee and how far to the green etc. Its a great feature and was the reason for me upgrading along with winning some vouchers :D.

The SG5 gives all the information but you need to click a couple of buttons to get more detailed info about a hole. ie 'what carry for left bunker'. Its just a little easier with the holeview on the SGX.

Anything alse you need to know give me a shout
If the courses that you need are all available on Callaway Upro and you can check what courses are available before you buy it then you will not beat the Upro for the money, a great bit of kit :)
I've just bought an SGX but I've only used it twice so far (both new courses to me) and I have to say the accuracy is spot on, visibility brilliant, it's user friendly and the features I used were brilliant (hazards distances,bunker start & end distances, lay ups etc). It's a very comprehensive unit so I need to read up a bit more on it as the holevue feature is amazing (green size, slopes etc.)

I bought it off Fleabay USA (lots of brand new ones on there)and together with the import tax it cost me less than £180. It's registered fine with Skycaddie so I guess I've had a good deal :D I also bought a tolley mount from the US as well which is brilliant.
SG 5: As 2.5 with bigger colour screen. Shows slope of greens called IntelliGreen Pro (if course mapped) and has top down hole view (again if course mapped)

The Intelligreen doesn't show slope, it just rotates the green depending on which angle you approach it. Or that might be re-calculates front, middle and back.....

Can't help with the difference between SG5 and SGX though.