Shaft Weight Or Head Weight?

shivas irons

Dec 26, 2011
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It seems to be a lot of fitting centres suggest a light shaft for some players, seniors and players with injurys and then in some cases match the light shafts to a heavy head or suggest putting lighter shafts in the set they currently use.This seems to defeat the object somewhat as iron heads vary a great deal in weight.Ive got two sets of irons with the same Dynamic Gold S300 shafts in and the set with the Titleist 962b heads in are much lighter and suited to my swing.I recently put a set of DG SL shafts into a set of heads for somebody and the results werent too good so I pulled the shafts and put them into a set of heads that were a third lighter than he's set and the results were really impressive.It seems that its not just shaft weight that affects the swing for somebody needing lighter equiptment but the general weight of the head/shaft combined.Obviously this has worked for this fella but it makes sense if golfers need less weight in their equipment that it has to be a combination of head and shaft, not just shaft.