Scapula pain


Active member
Aug 10, 2021
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Does anyone suffer from this?

If so what stretches/exercises do you do to relieve the pain?

I’ve been in agony since playing Saturday and currently taking the standard meds and muscle rubs etc
I had this a while ago .
the main excersize he gave me was stand with back against a wall .
arms at your side and back of hands flat on the wall.
keeping hands on the wall arms straight at all times move arms above your head Slowly until they meet over your head.
much like snow angels on the ground.

sounds easy but if your injured it’s far from.
take your time ,he told me the slower you go the more it helps.
Right around the shoulder blades/ across upper back

Get yourself to a doc to have the rotator cuffs checked. Although physio can work the best course of action is hydrocortisone injections. The physio I saw wanted me to give up golf completely but one change I made was that I hardly ever go on a range any more and when I do I only hit about 10 balls.
Right around the shoulder blades/ across upper back

if you turn your head to the side, does it hurt/can you feel the muscle pulling?

if so, I can't remember the name of the muscle, but it is essentially a small muscle that is going to spasm, what is happening is that the larger muscle that should do the work is either tiring or not being used properly, so your body uses the small muscle that tires very quickly then spasms. It is horrible I used to get it all the time from rugby.

Dumbbell over head press to build up the bigger muscles so the smaller one doesn't get used is the best way around it, doesn't have to be heavy, just train it up
if you turn your head to the side, does it hurt/can you feel the muscle pulling?

if so, I can't remember the name of the muscle, but it is essentially a small muscle that is going to spasm, what is happening is that the larger muscle that should do the work is either tiring or not being used properly, so your body uses the small muscle that tires very quickly then spasms. It is horrible I used to get it all the time from rugby.

Dumbbell over head press to build up the bigger muscles so the smaller one doesn't get used is the best way around it, doesn't have to be heavy, just train it up
Yup exactly this!!
I played rugby for years so my shoulders have always suffered. Have done plenty of gym work etc. I think it’s just one of those horrible injuries I’ve picked up over the last week. Hoping some stretches and a few days rest will help