S&T and Drawing the ball..


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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Why is it way easier to draw the ball with a S&T setup....
Rain messed up my Final again today so i decided to hit the range for a couple of hours and fiddle with a few things....
Iv got very little if no weight shift at all im my normal swing which i suppose makes it a little easier to stay over the ball....
I think iv figured out why i was struggling with the driver all along too....When looking at Driving the Ball with S&T online videos its clear that to get that little bit of spinal tilt needed for catching the ball slightly on the up you need to shift the hips slightly towards the target....
When i did this coupled with everything else i normally do i was getting a very strong ball flight with a slight right to left shape....Now it wasnt all rosey....I pushed a lot too but that was more towards the start of my session rather than in the middle of it....
Also i think that with this setup the ball position has to be right which is only going to come through repitition and practice but it felt nice to send the ball out on a different line than im used to...

The thing i noticed was the you can still hit a left to right ball if things arent completely going well but for the most part it was a hell of a lot more consistent than my usual driving.
I guess the hard thing will be to trust myself to aim right of my targets now....


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
It's all physics... angles and vectors. The interesting part of your post (which I'm not sure what it was about!!) is the phrase 'catching the ball slightly on the up' which in essence changes EVERYTHING. It would change the spine angle required, the direction of the true clubpath at impact, the flight of the ball, and as a result - even your aim.

One thing you should ask.....Is the model for S&T to catch the ball slightly on the way up?


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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It's all physics... angles and vectors. The interesting part of your post (which I'm not sure what it was about!!) is the phrase 'catching the ball slightly on the up' which in essence changes EVERYTHING. It would change the spine angle required, the direction of the true clubpath at impact, the flight of the ball, and as a result - even your aim.

One thing you should ask.....Is the model for S&T to catch the ball slightly on the way up?

I probably misunderstood this lad between 1.50 and 2.15 James.....When he said launch i presumed that he ment hitting up....But then i guess its opposites , like for irons as in hit down to get the ball up.
Everything that he is saying in this video iv done with better than my own average drives.


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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One Planer

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Feb 11, 2011
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Why is it way easier to draw the ball with a S&T setup....

I wouldn't say it was easier, per say.

I have a friend who is a natural drawer of the ball, he's not a S&T'er. I'm a natural fader of the ball, and a S&T'er :mad:

I have never been a drawer of the ball, always a fade. That said, using the S&T pattern and an ajustment to my ball position I can hit a lovely push draw which comes in useful on a few holes at my local track.

Being honest, I use it when needed. I much prefer to fade th ball and see the majority of my shots left to right.

The difference, for me anyway, is ball position and what flight it gives you. In my case, a 6 iron from the centre of my stance gives a nice push draw, but I tend to play the ball more forward, 2 balls inside my left heel, and get a nice fade.

The ball position I use for the fade, in the pattern, should produce a draw, go figure :mad:


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009

Couple of things.... when you see these instruction vids (especially for S&T) they are extremely exaggerated movements so that people get the idea for what is going on. No one would ever be that leant to their left side (not that I know of)... he looks like he's in the lounge of a ferry in a force 10 storm! Be mindful of that.

When it comes to launching the ball it's the fact that the club is pointing to the right of the target (for a push) that adds dynamic loft to the face...

see this vid at about 2mins


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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Couple of things.... when you see these instruction vids (especially for S&T) they are extremely exaggerated movements so that people get the idea for what is going on. No one would ever be that leant to their left side (not that I know of)... he looks like he's in the lounge of a ferry in a force 10 storm! Be mindful of that.

When it comes to launching the ball it's the fact that the club is pointing to the right of the target (for a push) that adds dynamic loft to the face...

see this vid at about 2mins

Highlighted above is what i could kind of see yesterday.....I was definitely Pushing the ball as when i didnt get it quite on the money there was no draw just a straight Push.....
The big light bulb moment for me though was the hips.....It was a very slight movement at address but it had a huge effect on the way i was able to hit the ball....

Can i ask you this....I tend to play a constant ball position for all my clubs...Would this be ok for S&T purposes?.....I tend not to fiddle about too much with it....


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Can i ask you this....I tend to play a constant ball position for all my clubs...Would this be ok for S&T purposes?.....I tend not to fiddle about too much with it....

If they are doing what you want then don't fiddle... and vice versa.