Tour Winner
Yes. I can't fit any more apps on my phone.. It is after all a phone.
OOoo sir, this is sooooooo much more than a phone.

Yes. I can't fit any more apps on my phone.. It is after all a phone.
Some people will just stubbornly refuse to move into the present day.
What memory size is the app?
Sensibly priced smartphones (like mine) don't have that much memory and means even with just a few apps on it and few pics/vids etc if i try downloading even a small app it isn't gonna work unless I spend time deleting other stuff
Why the hell should we have to put up with all that faffing about when a simple scorecard and pencil is all that's required?
Why, the wife can't track you through the app. ?Alot of people, particularly of, erm, average golfing age, are quite anxious about apps. Especially when its opening gambit is to ask to track your location... memory size is the app?
Sensibly priced smartphones (like mine) don't have that much memory and means even with just a few apps on it and few pics/vids etc if i try downloading even a small app it isn't gonna work unless I spend time deleting other stuff
That would honestly make more sense the other way round. Why faff about with a pencil and scorecards when a simple data entry into your phone is all that's required?Why the hell should we have to put up with all that faffing about when a simple scorecard and pencil is all that's required?
That would honestly make more sense the other way round. Why faff about with a pencil and scorecards when a simple data entry into your phone is all that's required?
As mentioned above though, that is the selfish attitude when you consider that pencil and scorecards require somebody to collate all of that information and enter it digitally on your behalf if you go down that route.But, believe it or not, there are some people who are not married to their phone and prefer to leave it in their car while playing golf (and/or other sports).
As mentioned above though, that is the selfish attitude when you consider that pencil and scorecards require somebody to collate all of that information and enter it digitally on your behalf if you go down that route.
You can leave your phone in the car anyway and just enter your eighteen hole scores at the end if you want.
Yeah pre registration , start round then enter at end
and if you are old and decrepit and unable to remember all your scores, use a scorecard during the round with your and your marker's scores recorded and put it in the box after entering on terminal.
I register before the round, phone goes in the bag whilst I play, scorecard used during round, I then enter the score into my phone at the end, very easy.and if you are old and decrepit and unable to remember all your scores, use a scorecard during the round with your and your marker's scores recorded and put it in the box after entering on terminal.
Register before the round on app or via pro, phone goes in the bag whilst playing, scorecard used during round, then put scorecard in box, even easier.I register before the round, phone goes in the bag whilst I play, scorecard used during round, I then enter the score into my phone at the end, very easy.
Why, the wife can't track you through the app. ?
While I can see the rationale for this, entering scores in the HDID app at the end of a round is enough of a faff as it is. (It's clearly designed to be used on a hole by hole basis while you're playing. There should be an option for it to operate in a PSI-like way). I really wouldn't want to have to enter two sets of scores using that interface.The latest update release notes for ClubV1 had some interesting hints regarding upcoming features for HDID:
• Enhanced Markers ScoringExampleConnor would select Adam as "Marker" and select Darren as "Marking For", Adam selects Connor as his "Marking For" and Darren as his "Marker", Darren selects Connor as his "Marker" and Adam as his "Marking For". Connor enters his own scores and Darren's scores, Adam enters his scores and Connors scores, and Darren enters his scores and Adam's scores. At the end of the round, it will validate all of the scores against each other, flag any discrepancies and scores won't be able to be submitted until they all tally up.There are many questions as to the scope of these features, e.g. there is no indication that it applies to both comps and gp rounds, and will it account for markers not playing in a comp/entering a gp score themselves. Better late than never though.