Tour Winner
I have an old school pal that currently lives in NZ and is over visiting for a few months, There is some sort of affiliation over there whereby if you're a member (can't remember what it was called) of somewhere you get to play other courses at reduced rates.
That, in my opinion would get more people into the game. I used to play all over the place but since I started back last year have only played 3 different courses (4th this week)
vig....this system is quite wide-spread around the world. Sadly, here in England, if you try and take a party (from a recognised club) of 8/12/16 to a top course, they'll simply demand exactly the same crazy green-fee that is set for all the corporate society days. I once tried to fix up a dozen single figure players day from ours to one of the Midlands best courses......not a deal in sight!!! I don't see how it would help clubs fill up, unless you think that a widespread reciprocal would encourage nomadic players to join somewhere knowing that it could help their general golfing travels..

What is flippin' crazy is that around here, most courses are empty mid-week or after mid-day at weekends....nobody bothers to go anyhwere else because of the cost. Surely if a few 4 balls went to each other's courses for £15-20 instead of £30-50 then actually all clubs could increase revenue. The premier course in Shropshire (Hawkstone Park) charges quite a price, mainly to corporate/society clients. I've never seen their courses busy... they could suck up 2,000 green fees a year from players from lesser clubs under special reciprocal....2,000 at £20 is a LOT of cash. I've never met a single player who's been there on the visitor fee???? QED....