Money List Winner
Ok, I went for a lesson last week and the result was, I was taking the club away too much on the inside. The pro was concerned that this might throw my plane out on the down swing and get me coming in over the top, so he gave me a drill to work on and fix it.
He knows my natural shot shape is now normally a draw.
Basically he wants me to take the club away straight back and hold of the turn as late as possible. To help me acheive this, he placed a tee peg down about 15 inches behind the ball and I had to knock this down on the back swing. This really bugged me so I replaced the tee peg with a coin and aimed to take the club head away, over that instead.
I have also incorporated my 3 ball drill into this drill, 2 birds 1 stone and all that.
Below are a series of picture to show the drill. I will try to talk you through it step by step.
Take no notice of feet or club position, its just about the head, I was holding the club with 1 hand.
Step 1: The set up position
Step 2:Move the club away, straight back aiming to move over 10p piece
Step 3:Once you have gone over the 10p piece the club can now start to come inside and I would now start to rotate the hands and set the wrists
Step 4: This is now the down swing and I would be looking to come back inside the 10p piece and stike the middle ball, there is no way of coming over the top or getting out to in with out diar consequences.
Step 5: The last moment before impact, Get the timing right and you should nail the draw, or atleast hit it straight.
If you take the club back and you come inside the 10p piece like this
You run the risk of coming over the top/ out to in swing plane and cutting across the ball, this is what gives you the left to right shape or slice for want of a better word.
If you are not confident of using the 3 ball drill at the same time, you can always replace the other 2 balls with 2 other coins like so
Only put £1 coins down when you can get through cleanly, I knocked a 10p 50 yards last week.
Hope this helps Hywell, and anyone else who uses it.
He knows my natural shot shape is now normally a draw.
Basically he wants me to take the club away straight back and hold of the turn as late as possible. To help me acheive this, he placed a tee peg down about 15 inches behind the ball and I had to knock this down on the back swing. This really bugged me so I replaced the tee peg with a coin and aimed to take the club head away, over that instead.
I have also incorporated my 3 ball drill into this drill, 2 birds 1 stone and all that.
Below are a series of picture to show the drill. I will try to talk you through it step by step.
Take no notice of feet or club position, its just about the head, I was holding the club with 1 hand.

Step 1: The set up position

Step 2:Move the club away, straight back aiming to move over 10p piece

Step 3:Once you have gone over the 10p piece the club can now start to come inside and I would now start to rotate the hands and set the wrists

Step 4: This is now the down swing and I would be looking to come back inside the 10p piece and stike the middle ball, there is no way of coming over the top or getting out to in with out diar consequences.

Step 5: The last moment before impact, Get the timing right and you should nail the draw, or atleast hit it straight.

If you take the club back and you come inside the 10p piece like this

You run the risk of coming over the top/ out to in swing plane and cutting across the ball, this is what gives you the left to right shape or slice for want of a better word.
If you are not confident of using the 3 ball drill at the same time, you can always replace the other 2 balls with 2 other coins like so

Only put £1 coins down when you can get through cleanly, I knocked a 10p 50 yards last week.

Hope this helps Hywell, and anyone else who uses it.