Range Drill FAO Hywell


Money List Winner
Jan 24, 2008
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Ok, I went for a lesson last week and the result was, I was taking the club away too much on the inside. The pro was concerned that this might throw my plane out on the down swing and get me coming in over the top, so he gave me a drill to work on and fix it.

He knows my natural shot shape is now normally a draw.

Basically he wants me to take the club away straight back and hold of the turn as late as possible. To help me acheive this, he placed a tee peg down about 15 inches behind the ball and I had to knock this down on the back swing. This really bugged me so I replaced the tee peg with a coin and aimed to take the club head away, over that instead.

I have also incorporated my 3 ball drill into this drill, 2 birds 1 stone and all that.

Below are a series of picture to show the drill. I will try to talk you through it step by step.
Take no notice of feet or club position, its just about the head, I was holding the club with 1 hand. :D

Step 1: The set up position

Step 2:Move the club away, straight back aiming to move over 10p piece

Step 3:Once you have gone over the 10p piece the club can now start to come inside and I would now start to rotate the hands and set the wrists

Step 4: This is now the down swing and I would be looking to come back inside the 10p piece and stike the middle ball, there is no way of coming over the top or getting out to in with out diar consequences.

Step 5: The last moment before impact, Get the timing right and you should nail the draw, or atleast hit it straight.

If you take the club back and you come inside the 10p piece like this

You run the risk of coming over the top/ out to in swing plane and cutting across the ball, this is what gives you the left to right shape or slice for want of a better word.

If you are not confident of using the 3 ball drill at the same time, you can always replace the other 2 balls with 2 other coins like so

Only put £1 coins down when you can get through cleanly, I knocked a 10p 50 yards last week. :D

Hope this helps Hywell, and anyone else who uses it.

I had some major problems with coming too much on

the inside a few years back.

Shank shank soft draw shank...

This is a good drill.

I try to keep the club head outside my hands on the

way back.Or I can wrap the club round my a*** :D
Reminds me of the old "ball behind the club drill" where you take the club back straight enough to roll the ball (the one behind the club) straight backwards.

Clearly, this drill will fix the problem.....not one I shall be trying just now given my current predicament.

Well done on taking the photos, can you hit 'em one handed for real?

Once I've sorted out my takeaway (mmmm, maybe singapore noodles) I shall revisit the 3 ball drill, I've been fiddling with this type of drill for years to encourage a draw/in-out path.

Nice work...
I had a go at some one handed LW's the other week with mixed reults. I am deadly with a PW though. :D
Do you know the "bonus" you'll get once you've cracked your takeaway/set/plane?

Higher right elbow (and hands) at the top......the ONE thing you've always scared me with.... :)....it's been a tad low.

When you have this....I'll be worshipping....

Yes I know, I hate the fact that I have low hands, but 1 thing at a time for me :D

Anything else and my game will fall apart. lol
I started off the other way and had a very steep takeaway and follow through. Almost Montyesque (without the tour wins or the petulance). Got too steep and so it has been a two year project to get a more neutral and rounded plane. I'm getting there but still a work in progress
Good work mate, cheers for doing that. Will be working on that over Xmas.

Went out yesterday and got some new Adidas 360 3.0, in black, super sexy, I am going to look the muts nuts next season with all my new gear, shame my game is still crap.
This looks a very useful drill, and I am keen to give it a go next time I am at the range.

However, I think I will use 2 tees and a plastic ball marker, as a/ I think I will hit all 3 balls every time, and this will be mental, with balls firing everywhere, and b/ coins will mark the bottom of my clubs when I hit them (and I will).

Trouble is, I am off to Germany this afternoon til the 23rd, then it is xmas, and so I am not playing til the 27th, so practice won't be til next year some time. By then, I will have forgotten.
Its a a good idea to start with the balls/markers/tees/coins quite wide to start with and move them in closer and closer the better you get. The closest I dare to put them is about an inch either side, I have sent the 3 balls out at the same time!!!
I started off the other way and had a very steep takeaway and follow through. Almost Montyesque (without the tour wins or the petulance). Got too steep and so it has been a two year project to get a more neutral and rounded plane. I'm getting there but still a work in progress

I was like this in the very early days. The problems I had returning to the game were mostly caused by all the drills I did years ago to flatten my swing.
Great drill Tony, I'll try that next time i'm up at the range.

I have often put a head cover down where you have your outside coin, this also promotes swinging inside...and if you don't you should be able to get about 30 yards with a head cover ;)
T, do you always put the balls at that angle?

I have been doing the 3 ball drill for the last week. Doing my head in BUT I have my 3 balls more in a line with just over a club heads width to hit through. That's probably where i'm going wrong.

In fairness I have only sent more than one ball down the range on 4 occasions out of about 500 balls.
I have always hit my irons witha gentle draw but my woods fade and at worse slice. So I decided that whilst the weather was poor to try for a greater draw hence the drill.
It does concentrate the mind though and when I have caught it sweet with the driver it has flown like an exocet.

I will definately continue with it until the new year and see how it goes.

Then to crack the putting :(
As in the PM Dave, I start off this wide and move it in after a while.

For others, I also said to Dave in a PM that I often do this in the garden with out the middle ball, just practice swing through the outside 2 to groove the path.
Why is he teeing off a green. I tried getting the hands higher tonight, wooo too much at once lol.
When did you last see the sun Tony ?

Thats the shadow of his club on the ground, just looks a bit like a hole though. Nice tees so the greens must be like lightning !