Racism in sport

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Sep 11, 2011
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Hmmm - it appears that some think that there is one single interpretation of the scriptures - though not sure who the authority would be or have been who came up with that interpretation - that somehow that interpretation was the correct one, and that the reformation and continuing reforming that some traditions hold don’t actually count. If I don’t believe that Adam and Eve were real people then I can’t be a real Christian - is that how it is. Ah right.

BTW…in my tradition we don’t have ‘faith leaders’ or anyone who tells me what I should believe and what I should not believe.

And just for information - nobody ‘forces‘ me to contribute a single penny to my church and there is no expectation that I should - and there is no questioning or push back if I don’t contribute.

Glad to be of help.

And so back to racism in sport.

Listening to Michael Vaughan this morning I wish in his assertions of innocence to the charges laid that he had found words that expressed an admission that he may have been at fault in his use of words in the past, and that he apologises for the upset that these words had caused. Instead he is sorry that those raising the complaints have been upset. These are the sort of weasel words politicians use to avoid telling the truth, and Vaughan should realise that, and understand that we all know the truth of what the politician is not saying. Honesty is always the best policy as things will only get worse if honesty is avoided.

Vaughan does apologise for anything he may have said…”if in any way shape or form I’m responsible for any of his hurt, I apologise for that.”

Is Vaughan lying when he says he “doesn’t remember the incident or recognise those words?” We don’t know. But we do know there were witnesses that remember, and also another Asian who was there who doesn’t remember Vaughan saying racist things. Take your pick.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Last warning folks, next mention of religion gets a week in the cooler with no baseball for company.
I would point out that my posts on that matter are simply to inform on matters of fact in respect of some traditions, where posts indicate there is misunderstanding on the part of the poster, or where inaccurate or incorrect generalisations are made.


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2018
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I would point out that my posts on that matter are simply to inform on matters of fact in respect of some traditions, where posts indicate there is misunderstanding on the part of the poster, or where inaccurate or incorrect generalisations are made.

No, they are not. They are pushing your point of view when all have been asked not to. You have done it three times.
You are a past master at pushing the patience of the mods.
The result is your P.O.V is shown and any rebuttal doesn't happen because others obey the rules.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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No, they are not. They are pushing your point of view when all have been asked not to. You have done it three times.
You are a past master at pushing the patience of the mods.
The result is your P.O.V is shown and any rebuttal doesn't happen because others obey the rules.
They are not my POV - they are me trying to explain that not all traditions are the same and that when other posters post inaccurate generalisations it is not unreasonable for me to point out the inaccuracies. That is all I am doing.

If posters refrain from posting inaccurate generalisations on religious beliefs or indeed refrain from posting anything whatsoever in that respect, as requested by the mods, then I would not feel the need to correct the inaccuracies and explain where there are differences.

Further, if the mods remove posts containing reference to religion then I have zero issue in my ‘for information’ responses being removed also.
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Deleted member 16999

Nothing is more inflammatory than politics and religion.
If you want to comment on these then simply go to a different forum.
Or maybe we respect the forum rules which as of today does not ban religious comments!
It’s not your job to tell people what forums they should or should not join.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Don't really follow your logic.
Muslims need to pray 5 times a day and attend mosque of Fridays.
Why do you have to become an apostate just to marry someone?
You can't even be Catholic and Protestant let alone Catholic and Jewish.

As an irregular Catholic I discussed the matter of marriage to a Muslim with the local priest.
I was informed that I was allowed to marry her but any children would need to brought up as Catholics.
After that piece of nonsense I stopped going to church.
That alone proves how divisive faith is.
Nothing is more inflammatory than politics and religion.
If you want to comment on these then simply go to a different forum.
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