Putting Grip, set-up and general tips


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Aug 1, 2014
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Hey chaps. I've been struggling with my putting recently, and have started really trying to get interested in the mechanics of putting, and what goes into making a good putting stroke. One thing that caught my attention, having watched quite a lot of the pro's recently is the use of the left-below-right putting grip. Apparently Jack Nicklaus said that if he could go back and change anything about his game, he'd have putted with that style grip. After doing a bit of research into the grip, the biomechanics make a lot of sense. It helps the shoulders stay level encouraging the pendulum motion of the swing, and also calms down a lot of the potential wrist interaction that a typical right-below-left grip encourages. Here's a video of Piers from Me & My Golf breaking down the grip:


What do you think? Have you tried it out? How did you get on with it?

I'm heading down to the range tonight, and planning on having a good session on the putting green trying to implement the left-below-right and seeing how I get on with it. My putting has been atrocious recently. At Lancaster the other weekend I hit 41% of greens in reg, but still shot 91 thanks to having 2.29 putts per hole and 7 3-putts and a 4-putt, which is just awful. 2.29 wasn't a bad day either. My last 3 proper rounds I've had 2.29, 2.22 and 2.28 putts per hole, which just isn't good enough. So I wondered if you had any other videos, or books you would suggest I watch/read? Or any general putting tips I should consider? I'm looking at you the_coach ;)


Tour Winner
Aug 1, 2014
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I've not had mine that long, and do really like my putter. I think it's definitely a matter of lack of technique, rather than the wrong putter. I don't think I'd be any better with any other putter. It's going to need hard work, and lots of technique practice.