Putting and Chipping Yips


Journeyman Pro
Jan 3, 2010
South Wiltshire
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I know a few people who have suffered with yips of some description and I've seen it curb each of the ways they loved the game a considerable amount.

I am worried this could happen to me as I have had a long running problem of 'yipping'.

My problem with short to medium putts is that I keep looking at the hole insead of the ball which results in usually pulled missed putts and an anrgy me. I have worked at trying to keep on head still and focus but it seems to elude me several times during a round.

With chipping it is alot worse. I have and will do again soon (when the weather is better) practise a fair bit flopping shots from short range and from various lies and have no problem on the practise ground. However when I venture on the course if the first couple of chips (weather easy or not) don't go right I can't seem to do anything but destroy scores. I fat and thin from ok lies and bad lies become a horror show. Even the good lies become scary with a straight forward bunt and run shot. I think the problem lies with hesitation, a few nice smooth practise strokes followed by a quick, ill timed mess with alot of movement that shouldn't be there.

I love the game but if things like this keep happening and any more frequently I can see myself of 18 in a few years and maybe a county darts player!!

I was wondering if any of the people on here have had similar problems and how they won the battle or are fighting it.

Like I said I know a few who gave up the fight and lost the battle. A couple don't play golf anymore and another few just go into self destruct if they are inside 30 yards and off the green. I've seen a few 25 yard putts in my time through the rough. I wouldn't suggest that to anyone as the times I've seen it the pay off is pretty low!!


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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In a word.........confidence.
You decelerate on the first chip of the round, duff it and everything goes out of the window.
As a CAT I player, you know what a good chip shot looks like. So film yours.
Go to the practice area and film yourself chipping.
If you fluff it you will see why.
Shorter backswing, zip through the ball with a longer followthrough.
Lower half, very quiet.
You dont need to worry about the yips coz if you do, you'll get them.
Improve your confidence by watching yourself hitting great chips while practicing and be positive with that first one of the day :) :) :)


Journeyman Pro
Jan 3, 2010
South Wiltshire
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Great idea Bob. Never thought about filming them.

Confidence isn't a problem even on bad days with anything else so it feels strange that it gets to me so much.

If I keep struggling I'll have to pop up for a chipping lesson!! :D

Will be getting out there soon with the camera. Cheers Mate.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I know where the OP is coming from as he's accurately described my short game in a nutshell. I know what the faults are (leg movement, wrists breaking down and a steep angle of attack as opposed to a simple rocking action) but once I'm alone on the course the brain goes walkabout.

I'm having a chipping lesson Wednesday so I'm hoping we can go way back to basics and start again and make it a much simpler action in terms of set up and mechanics.


Tour Rookie
Jun 6, 2009
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I have exactly the same issues.

When I find somewhere to finally get some good chipping practice I may begin to finally improve.


Mar 30, 2009
East Sussex
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In the 'ol days, I had a mate who was, shall we say, 'inconsistant' with his chipping.

One day he could get it close to the pin, the next day it wouldn't even get close to the green.

Not exactly a cure, but he made it work , at least to a degree, on the bad days, by inventing shots.

Try playing a run up with your driver, for instance.

It wont work in every case, but it gave him something to concentrate on so he didn't jerk at it.

I personally suggested a hip flask would help, but I can't remember if he tried it or not. Didn't do my game any harm, though.



Major Champion
Aug 20, 2009
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I had chipping yips for years.Fine with full shot out of sand,or lob wedge,but couldn't play anything less than full swing without s...king.Tried buying a chipper ,which worked for a short time,then left hand below right,same result.

Basically don't think you can cure for good,as its in the head.

Trying different type of shots good idea,try chipping with hybrid etc


Money List Winner
Jan 18, 2008
Verwood, Dorset.
You could of course buy a chipper. :D

Technique and practice.

I really used to struggle with chipping, and I ended up buying the devils own club - a chipper. Used it for two rounds, decide that I didn't like it and it's been in the garage ever since.

I got over the problem by firstly learning the right method, and then by spending several hours practicing. I'm not great at it still, but it's not embarrasing anymore.

Joking about the V-Easy aside, it does help and I wish that it was around a couple of years ago. Just imagine that your thowing the ball from your hand in an under arm action. Imagine where it will land and how it will roll out. Then just repeat that same feeling with a club in your mitts. It might not help. But it certainly helped me.

Good luck.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 3, 2010
South Wiltshire
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You could of course buy a chipper. :D

Technique and practice.

I really used to struggle with chipping, and I ended up buying the devils own club - a chipper. Used it for two rounds, decide that I didn't like it and it's been in the garage ever since.

Not sure I could ever bring myself to buy a chipper!!

Thanks for any tips guys, sounds like it is an on going problem that will take some consistant practise.