Pulling short irons


Journeyman Pro
Jun 9, 2012
New Forest
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I've developed a really annoying habit of pulling my short iron shots left, particularly tee shots for some strange reason. Pretty sure my aim is ok, I tend to aim right if anything. Anything else I should check which could cause this?


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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I've developed a really annoying habit of pulling my short iron shots left, particularly tee shots for some strange reason. Pretty sure my aim is ok, I tend to aim right if anything. Anything else I should check which could cause this?

what's the predominant flight with the rest of the bag mid irons metals driver?

could be a bunch of stuff playing into it from how the release happens as with more of a flip release ball off of tee that will point the face angle leftfield to being aimed too far rightfield brain will tend to compensate by wanting to swing left through the ball

so naturally would double check over the club & body alignments & feet to be parallel left of target line

depends on the swing motion but often times feet hips aimed right the brain tends to want to correct the swing direction with the upper body and swing upper body arms through left - face inline with path so leftfield pulls

what's not often times realized though with short irons because of the greater 'loft' on the face angle is that folks posture and hands/handle position can affect shot direction

meaning if posture gets a tad upper body too angled over forwards so hands/handle end up a ways 'low' then even though you could line up the leading edge square to target line - the tad over bend with hands low still will have the face angle loft looking leftfield - bit difficult for folks to get their heads around that but nevertheless it's completely true

so after checking all body alignment is parallel left & leading edge square to target check over the posture is not too bent over with hands low at set-up
see if that helps some

one other thing to check is you not swinging down from transition with the upper body first