Progress (I think)


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I have been bleating on that despite the handicap going up from 10.1 to 11.4 I am hitting the ball much better and the swing path is travelling much better. I know the masses enjoy a "knock Homer" thread so consider this my early Christmas present to you all

Swing 1 - this is from December 2012. Path way too far from the inside leading to all sorts of errors. Too often trapped leading to flicky hands and pushes and snap hooks all over the place

Swing 2 - From Friday's lesson. The whole swing is much steeper and compressing better and exits much better to the left. However I had overdone the path and it is now a little over the top which has led to a few fades and pulls

Swing 3 - After we implemented the changes (ball position, back swing). Much better and the club back to impact in a perfect position parallel to the target line. I exit much better. Controlled. Less body movement and fewer moving parts. I just need to drill the change from the lesson to make it more permanent

Overall I am really pleased with the difference. The quality in ball striking is chalk and cheese. It will never be textbook but I've got it to a place now where it is functional simpler and I can recognise my errors now. No doubt it won't please the majority but I hope it may at least give hope to those making big swing changes that there is light at the end of your tunnel


Tour Winner
Apr 24, 2010
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What do your coaches say about your head movement in the downswing? It lifts and moves away from the ball after transition?
It does look odd

Deleted member 15344

One easy way to score better is

Relax , stop thinking too much about scoring , stop putting pressure on yourself , enjoy playing the game a bit more , stop thinking about swing thoughts etc - you are going to end up hating playing golf

As for your swing - lots of movement with the head and it looks very stiff and rigid and just looks forced and not very relaxed


Major Champion
Aug 20, 2009
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I still see the same problem with your upper half lifting and pulling back by the top of the backswing. If you freeze your swing at the top you have virtually stood up. I don't understand why you don't concentrate on eradicating that movement before all else. In the old days when I started and had lessons the Pro would put a club over your head and you had to stay down.

You have added a little flourish/dip at the end of the swing but that is not where the problem is. It is the last part of your back swing, and to me that has not changed from the first video. I may be being stupid but why don't you maintain spine angle ?

I am trying to be helpful as I know how much your golf means to you.


Challenge Tour Pro
Aug 16, 2010
Now the club I travelling on a better path we can address the other issues. Movement between 1 and 3 is greatly reduced. I didn't say I was finished yet

It's looking better for sure Homer - well done :thup: , but I agree with the others... you seem to be gradually standing up throughout the whole swing. Head rises on the backswing, and continues to on the downswing. By the time you hit the ball you're virtually standing up straight.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I still see the same problem with your upper half lifting and pulling back by the top of the backswing. If you freeze your swing at the top you have virtually stood up. I don't understand why you don't concentrate on eradicating that movement before all else. In the old days when I started and had lessons the Pro would put a club over your head and you had to stay down.

You have added a little flourish/dip at the end of the swing but that is not where the problem is. It is the last part of your back swing, and to me that has not changed from the first video. I may be being stupid but why don't you maintain spine angle ?

I am trying to be helpful as I know how much your golf means to you.

Because getting the club going on the right path was the thing my pro wanted to get right. I won't lose the loss of spine angle without hours of work and making other changes to the swing. Where I am now I can get the club on a better path more often and so the ball flight is more predictable and I am hitting down and compressing. It won't be perfect and to be honest I can live with the flaws to deliver it back to ball as well as I feel I am. Short game was what I really want to focus on this winter and just keep what I have now ticking over. I'm happy and my pro thinks we've moved on greatly so I'm in a good place.


Crow Person
Nov 14, 2010
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My first question would be, why is there a disco at the end of the range?

Then, Like others say, I'd try and keep the head and spine stable until the release.
This will proabbaly shorten your backswing as well (which would be no bad thing) as the lift seems to start when you get near the end of your backswing.

I'm sure I've seen videos of teachers with their hands on the players head stopping them from lifting before releasing the club.


Journeyman Pro
Mar 18, 2010
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I am in no position to comment on your swing Homer. But what I will say is that if you are happy with the progress then that's all that matters. Enjoy what you have and I hope golf gives you many more years of enjoyment.


Major Champion
Aug 20, 2009
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Because getting the club going on the right path was the thing my pro wanted to get right. I won't lose the loss of spine angle without hours of work and making other changes to the swing. Where I am now I can get the club on a better path more often and so the ball flight is more predictable and I am hitting down and compressing. It won't be perfect and to be honest I can live with the flaws to deliver it back to ball as well as I feel I am. Short game was what I really want to focus on this winter and just keep what I have now ticking over. I'm happy and my pro thinks we've moved on greatly so I'm in a good place.

Have you tried with a 3/4 swing ? Your position 3/4 the way back is fine, it is the last 1/4 where the problem is. Personally think you are over swinging for an iron, and don't need that last bit anyway.

Just to humour me put up a video of a 3/4 swing, just your normal swing shortened, think of hitting a 7 iron 120 yards. If it doesn't look good I promise I will never to comment on your swing again.:thup:


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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nice to finally get a look at your swing homer :thup:

ive got to agree with richart, the backswing looks too long. what feels like a 3/4 swing will be more than enough. spine angle has to be the next thing to look at.

what shot shape are you playing? little fade?


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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I don't normally post on swing questions Homer but you straighten up through the downswing, your head lift and your body moves away from the ball. I would concentrate on maintaining the spine angle through the swing and you hight too. I would personally be asking the pro to tell me the end result he was looking for and to change everything at the same time, I don't think a change a bit at a time works


Tour Winner
Oct 26, 2009
Midlands/North West
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Hats off to you for your effort and perseverance. However as many have said it looks as though you are almost standing up, it just does not look right and I imagine must be causing some bad results. Again as others have said I would be getting this sorted sooner rather than later. Anyway good luck in your quest and you are braver than me for posting the swings up on here


Journeyman Pro
Sep 28, 2010
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Looks good, great to see that the work you've been doing is paying off.

I'm no pro so not going to comment on any other issues that might be there as that's what your paying your pro for.

Keep at it!


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
It's a huge difference Martin

You used to get the club stuck around behind you (where the yellow line is) on your backswing, so even to get the club onto the ball with that new path is a result in itself.


The problem is your downswing... and that's never really going to fix itself until you fix your 'Catch 22' situation.

You come down too steep, the catch is you have to stand up to make space to come down too steep... and likewise because you know you're going to come down steep you have to stand up in your backswing. If you didn't stand up you'd have no space for a steep downswing like that.


Personally I wouldn't stand up - I'd force myself to learn the correct downswing plane, but that's me not you. Good to see you're making an effort and you should be more consistent with that new path... at least you have a chance of hitting the ball more consistently from there :thup:


Jul 11, 2009
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Personally I wouldn't stand up

You know more about the swing that I ever will but surely that address position is far too hunched down over the ball...

Standing up straighter at address, allowing his arms to hang more freely, would certainly allow for a more natural turn without the need to get out of the way. I don't even know how you'd start to take the club away from that position without either dragging the club along the ground for an inch or two or by a dramatic lift with the hands rather than the turn doing that...


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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whats causing the steepness? is it that hes bent over slightly too far with low hands?

ive been experimenting recently with slightly lower hands at address and found it forces me to go up a little more rather than around and flat?