

Journeyman Pro
Jan 3, 2013
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I discovered something quite wierd while practicing last night. My ball striking has been pretty awful just recently, in fact I have never been a good striker of the ball. To try to get better and improve my short game, I am practicing what I would call long chips, maybe 30 yards or so, not quite long enough to be a pitch shot. This is pretty good practice, because a lot of the time my poor striking is due to hitting the ground behind the ball and it helps me to irradicate this by practicing this way, getting a good strike on a short shot and building from there. As usual, after quite a while I got a little bored and started hitting these shots one handed, with my right hand (I am right handed). I have always been able to do this pretty well, almost better than using two hands, always getting a good flight and a good strike on the ball. It occurred to me that maybe it was my left hand that was letting my entire ball striking down, so I tried hitting one handed with my left hand. I couldn't even connect with the ball. After 5 or 6 fresh airs I managed to hit one out of the hosel. My question is, is this significant? I know using your left hand you are attacking the ball on a much different angle, but if the results with each hand are so different do I need to be working on this? Has anyone else tried this with similar results?
If this need to go in ask the experts, mods please move. thanks.

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Strange that.

I've never tried to hit shots one handed, primarily because it's something I'll never use on the course.

You say you're practicing a short chip/pitch. Can you describe you you set up to the ball and make a swing?

It may be something in your set-up causing you the issues?

Do you have a video of your practice?


Journeyman Pro
Jan 3, 2013
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Strange that.

I've never tried to hit shots one handed, primarily because it's something I'll never use on the course.

You say you're practicing a short chip/pitch. Can you describe you you set up to the ball and make a swing?

It may be something in your set-up causing you the issues?

Do you have a video of your practice?
I sometimes hit one handed, only in practice, never on the course. A pro once advised me to do it right handed as it gives a good feel on releasing the club. Primarily, I am setting up neutral, maybe slightly open and almost like hitting a long putt, making sure I accelerate through the ball. My feeling is that it's easier to hit with your right hand as the swing is less steep, but is this result an indication if something wrong in my swing? I never thought of myself as so right hand dominant in my golf swing.

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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I sometimes hit one handed, only in practice, never on the course. A pro once advised me to do it right handed as it gives a good feel on releasing the club. Primarily, I am setting up neutral, maybe slightly open and almost like hitting a long putt, making sure I accelerate through the ball. My feeling is that it's easier to hit with your right hand as the swing is less steep, but is this result an indication if something wrong in my swing? I never thought of myself as so right hand dominant in my golf swing.

How is your weight distributed at address? Does the weight move as you make a swing?


Journeyman Pro
Jan 3, 2013
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How is your weight distributed at address? Does the weight move as you make a swing?
It probably does. I will try it again tonight. I think if you hit it one handed with your right hand your weight will move, but correctly. When I hit it with my left I guess it will move too quickly and the angle will become too steep.
I know it's a crazy thing to ask about, but it just surprised me. I have been playing for 20 years, I am off 16 but couldn't connect using only my left hand. I wonder if it highlights a swing fault and if it was the same for others if they tried the same thing? Can you try it next time you practice and see if you have the same trouble?

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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When chipping and making short pitches you want to keep your weight on your front foot.

When you make a turn, make sure your focus is on keeping the weight on/over your lead foot, right the way through impact.

Turning off the ball when making a chip or short pitch is a no, no.