Practising the short game


Club Champion
Apr 14, 2012
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Good day everyone, hoping some of you can help me with some suggestions.

I've improved most of my game over the past 2 months. I'm driving straight consistently. Only about 210-220 yards but the main thing for me at the moment is I can do it 9 times out of 10. My fairway shots are decent. My puttings been meh but been practising but my short game has been terrible.

I don't have a club or access to a garden/short game area and the driving range doesn't seem to be helping at all. Every time I try to pitch or chip the ball I'm either smashing it along the ground or fluffing it right and it's completely killing my score. I'm just playing for fun so I know it's not pressure (except the pressure I'm putting on myself from getting wound up). It's probably a combination of confidence and indecision at the moment. At the driving range I can pitch the ball fairly consistently at a target with moderate accuracy but it just doesn't translate to "real life" golf.

I tried going to the local 6 holer the other day to practise on the sixth green. There was nobody else on the course and I paid to use it but was told I had to play the holes properly or leave. Not sure what the lads issue with my practising was but its left me a bit stuck for ideas.

An example of my main issue:

Par 5

Tee shot straight down the middle of the fairway. Second shot I hit my 3 wood and landed about 10 yards off the green, slightly to the right but no hazards in play. Free run to the green. Went to chip at the flag. Ended up skimming (I'm sure someone can give me the correct term for this type of mis shot) the ball along the surface far too hard and it went off the far side of the green. Went to chip it back on. A much higher chip due to a hill but less distance. Sent the ball at a 90 degree angle to the right. This continued until I got the ball down for a shocking 9.

Has anyone got any drills for the range or general suggestions of places I can go or things I can do to improve. The only real practise I'm getting just now is actually playing a round but, like I said before, it's killing my score which makes me even worse.


Club Champion
Apr 14, 2012
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Not at the moment. Only if I go to another shop/range but it's a fair bit away and since I don't drive I can only really afford to travel through every so often. I had a lesson a few weeks ago which is what sorted out my drives and general swing but it's just killed my pitches and chips completely. Obviously it's not the lesson that did it of course just something I'm not doing wrong after it. Hopefully gonna get through for a lesson in about 4 weeks but playing again on Sunday and really want to try and improve my score then.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Even though there are many ways to play shots around the green, they can be simplified into two camps. The chip and run (low/medium height) or the pitch and check(higher).
Obviously, you wont want to hit a high shot with a 7 iron or a low shot with a SW so start with the 7 iron.
The set up
Start off with your feet close together (3-4in)
The ball in the middle of your stance or an inch or two back
Hold the club close to the bottom of the grip
Have your weight mainly on our front foot and your hands a little in front of the ball


If you can find a grass area, set yourself up as above.
The idea is to swing back and down missing the headcover and trying to hit the ball UNDER the shaft balanced on the baskets. (or use your imagination).
If you do it correctly, the ball should lift OVER the shaft and roll onto the green.

If you want to hit it a bit higher, simply use the same set up but select a club with more loft
(9 iron,PW, SW) and adjust the length of swing by experimentation.

You should feel a downward strike onto the ball.


And a view from behind


Dont be scared to take a small divot with each shot and ALWAYS FOLLOW THROUGH. DON'T QUIT ON THE SHOT.
Then practice the shots and vary them for different heights and in about 25 years, you'll be brilliant

Hope this helps.


Club Champion
Apr 14, 2012
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Thanks Bob this is exactly the kind of thing I was looking for. Brilliant explanation too. Thanks for taking the time to help me it is greatly appreciated. Time to go find a grassy patch and get started on that 25 year countdown....


Journeyman Pro
Nov 17, 2009
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Good videos Bob. When holding the club to play these shots how would you grip the club. Should it be like a full shot and the grip is along the base of your fingers, or is it acceptable to grip it more like across the palm of your hand ?


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Good videos Bob. When holding the club to play these shots how would you grip the club. Should it be like a full shot and the grip is along the base of your fingers, or is it acceptable to grip it more like across the palm of your hand ?


No need to change the grip, keep it simple.
The only changes I might make are

  • Softening the hands so a lighter grip (dont try and strangle the thing.

  • When playing the high shot, turn the right hand a little to the left (weaker) That will help you to keep the face open a touch through the shot
Time to go find a grassy patch and get started on that 25 year countdown....

When you've mastered that come back and see me and I'll sell you a V-Easy for the short chips and putting :D


Medal Winner
May 8, 2012
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Played the other day after struggling, not majorly, but still struggling. My playing partner asked what club i was chipping with on a shot where I had the whole green to play with, and I responded 'with my 52degree'. He made me play the shot and it got within 15ft, not very good.

He then reached for my bag, took out the 7iron and it was like a miracle. Makes you wonder, why didn't I think of that??? Worth a go if you're like me and struggling simply due to club selection.