Post Impact


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
You're in your address posture.... in front of you there's a small table 90cm high and you lay your palms on it.... if I now made that table 85cm would you stand up to lay your hands on it or bend over more?


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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You're in your address posture.... in front of you there's a small table 90cm high and you lay your palms on it.... if I now made that table 85cm would you stand up to lay your hands on it or bend over more?

Bend Over more.......

Been doing a bit of searching...Seems that for the correct posture... I should be bent roughly 45 degrees at the waist.... A slight knee flex so that my knees cover the middle of my feet.... My shoulders as my arms hang naturally should be just at or just outside my toe line if i was to hold a club against them...And if i were to place any particular club at the ball in the address position the grip should rest about 2" above my left knee on my thigh.........

Seems easy enough to get into those positions anyway James..... No strain on any body part as such....


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Bend Over more.......

That's what impact is like.... it's like starting with a 90cm table and having an 85cm table at impact.

But your club is 90cm long.... and won't fit under the 85cm table.... so you have to lean the shaft forwards so that it fits... and in doing so you DON'T need to stand up, on the contrary, your right shoulder will be more DOWN and your hands will be more forwards as a result of leaning the shaft forwards to fit the gap. The last thing you'll be doing to fit your 90cm club into an 85cm gap is thrusting your hips forwards and standing up... does that make any sense?

At address you shouldn't be bent at the waist at all.... you should bend at the hips which are 5-6 inches lower than your waist. This tilts your pelvis slightly forwards and stops you putting any strain on your back (and hurting it). 45 degrees is a bit much... maybe 40 at most....35 with a driver. As your head goes forwards your bum has to go back so that you counterbalance your weight to keep it 50/50 between heels and toes.
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Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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That's what impact is like.... it's like starting with a 90cm table and having an 85cm table at impact.

But your club is 90cm long.... and won't fit under the 85cm table.... so you have to lean the shaft forwards so that it fits... and in doing so you DON'T need to stand up, on the contrary, your right shoulder will be more DOWN and your hands will be more forwards as a result of leaning the shaft forwards to fit the gap. The last thing you'll be doing to fit your 90cm club into an 85cm gap is thrusting your hips forwards and standing up... does that make any sense?

At address you shouldn't be bent at the waist at all.... you should bend at the hips which are 5-6 inches lower than your waist. This tilts your pelvis slightly forwards and stops you putting any strain on your back (and hurting it). 45 degrees is a bit much... maybe 40 at most....35 with a driver. As your head goes forwards your bum has to go back so that you counterbalance your weight to keep it 50/50 between heels and toes.

Makes perfect sense pal...... I know the pic of me in the frame you showed is a little exaggerated but that's a similar position to the one I need to be in I think......
And I ment hips also rather than waist:thup:

If got the whole winter to work on this anyway pal... So hopefully it shouldn't take too long.... I think once if nailed that and the other drill I should start to get a lot more confidence in the swing and more consistency.... Onwards and upwards...:)


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Makes perfect sense pal...... I know the pic of me in the frame you showed is a little exaggerated but that's a similar position to the one I need to be in I think......

For a face on pic that position was a PERFECT address position (head/hips/hands/shoulders/clubshaft all perfect) :thup:

From the side (DTL view) it might not have been because you might be too much on your toes.


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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For a face on pic that position was a PERFECT address position (head/hips/hands/shoulders/clubshaft all perfect) :thup:

From the side (DTL view) it might not have been because you might be too much on your toes.

Tomorrow nights range session so will be the crunch....... Posture and follow through videos to follow:thup:....


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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Very much looking forward to it.... would it help if I had my fingers crossed? :p

Fingers, toes, legs, arms... The lot :lol:

Ah ill know what to do..... Iv been fiddling here in the kitchen all night at it..... I think I have the feeling I need..
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Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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Please be gentle:whistle:..... I know if my Pro saw this now he'd choke me for exiting too early...... Bloody hard though..... Especially when the ball flight is straight..... I forgot my alignment canes so i had nothing to stop me going left only a pair of baskets that were not high enough...
Just a couple of 7 irons....:thup:



Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009



Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
I was waiting for someone else to post rather than it always being me that drags you down into the depths of despair :thup: :D

I was at least waiting for someone to say "Nice strike!" :clap:

What's your opinion of that swing when you watch it?


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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I was waiting for someone else to post rather than it always being me that drags you down into the depths of despair :thup: :D

I was at least waiting for someone to say "Nice strike!" :clap:

What's your opinion of that swing when you watch it?

Dont worry about it... I take all criticism as constructive not destructive.. :thup:

Anyway the strike was straight out of the middle.... That's the handy thing about forged clubs......

That swing looks more balanced in that I'm not swaying so much after impact... It felt comfortable and not forced... 150 yard marker with a bad right to left wind and I was happy......

What I'm not happy with was the exit left... Although the club was coming into view higher than last year's swing I'm still struggling to follow the ball out with the club..... I think the EE is minimised a little as well........ How my doing so far?:whistle:

Iv been reading so much stuff lately about one plane swings and how the worst piece of advice that can be given to a one plane swinger is to swing down the target line after the ball... It's making me ask questions now when I'm swinging left after impact but the ball is either going straight or has a slight draw with the mid and short irons and has a slight fade with the longer irons......

It's when I try and swing out after the ball is when I'm shanking and pushing the ball ..... :rolleyes:


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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As an aside..... I might be a tad inside at the parallel to the ground stage on the backswing and a tad flat at the top.... But I know to fix that is only a matter of the takeaway being a slight bit wider rather than coming inside too early....


Tour Winner
Sep 10, 2009
Selby, North Yorkshire
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I'll bite on some constructive criticism. (Your a single figure golfer now, it's not about destroying your swing but tweaking elements to make it repeatable)

I would still feel like your 'sat' down too much (too much leg flex), I was taught you should only flex your legs to the point you loose no height. (basically stand tall with straight legs, and then just let them flex naturally. i.e no sitting down).

Now to a little annoyance to people who take back on the inside, your little waggles. STOP THEM, they are not helping. You need to change your pre shot routine. (your waggles currently train your hands to pick the club up and inside) Try changing your waggle to more of a back outside practice takeaway (I know a pro does this but I'm struggling to name him).

You obviously know about the flat swing, so I'll leave that alone.
Your so close to tuning a very repeatable swing, it all depends on how much you want to change it and not affect your current ability.


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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I'll bite on some constructive criticism. (Your a single figure golfer now, it's not about destroying your swing but tweaking elements to make it repeatable)

I would still feel like your 'sat' down too much (too much leg flex), I was taught you should only flex your legs to the point you loose no height. (basically stand tall with straight legs, and then just let them flex naturally. i.e no sitting down).

Now to a little annoyance to people who take back on the inside, your little waggles. STOP THEM, they are not helping. You need to change your pre shot routine. (your waggles currently train your hands to pick the club up and inside) Try changing your waggle to more of a back outside practice takeaway (I know a pro does this but I'm struggling to name him).

You obviously know about the flat swing, so I'll leave that alone.
Your so close to tuning a very repeatable swing, it all depends on how much you want to change it and not affect your current ability.

Its ok Pal..... Criticize away...:thup:
The weird thing is that im not swinging the way my Pro wants me swinging...... I think he's more of a traditionalist in terms of swing...... To be honest your probably right about the waggles.... I started that raic a few weeks ago as it was helping me to keep myself loose and stay moving before I started the swing.... Before I was pretty quite doing it.....

As for the tweeks..... There are 2 things that really helped me with my own swing outside of my Pro wanting me to swing down the line and they are having my left hip higher at address than the right and to try and keep it kicked towards the target throughout the backswing..... it also helps with anyone that has a reverse pivot....

Secondly even though you see in my practice swings that it looks like im swinging down the line the way I should be.... But this is just a feeling that I have so that I can attack the ball from inside the target line...... it has stopped me throwing it outside the plane line no end.....

Iv always been flat and I don't think that's ever going to change.... But what im currently trying to do is find the little fixes that help a one plane swing rather than have a mix match of elements of both one and two plane.....
Ideally what im after is a swing that repeats and is consistent.... Irons for me are my strong point.... 3 wood and hybrid also.... If I can settle the driver and not loose it right so often then ill be a happy camper......
The swing you see above is the one that has dropped 5 shots off my handicap this season alone which is why im now starting to ask questions:rolleyes:


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Set up...

Pic on the left shows a position you are in as you address the ball, it's nice..... if you widen your stance here you're good to go :thup:

However, pic on the right shows that you then back AWAY from the ball with your feet as you complete your address.


Now have lost that hip depth, you have lost some spine angle (more upright on the right) , your arms are angled more away from your body, your bum is not there to counterbalance your weight. By backing your feet away you are actually reaching for the ball more. Someone who stands more upright would actually stand CLOSER to the ball.



Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009

On the left shows one of your little practice backswings (you can see the blur of the club head).... I've drawn a line on it on the right to show some kind of a plane...

PERFECT, swing up this plane and you're in good shape for a nice one plane swing


Now I've added a 3rd picture on the right to show where you ACTUALLY swing the club, again you can see the blur of the club head...


That's not a one plane swing, that's a very much 'under plane and around your shins' type swing. From here you are in big trouble as you'll HAVE TO get the club onto a higher plane before making a downswing.

Did you never see this? :p



Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Downswing.... 2 parts.....

part No1 (the blurs you see here are the club shaft, the club head is harder to see as I've drawn lines over it) :thup:

You do an amazing job of getting the club to come back down moderately close to the original shaft plane.... it's ALL compensation and contorting to do so and as a result your exit is going to be screwed, but your ability to do this is what has helped your h/cap fall this year. It's the only reason you get the club on the ball... come a little higher down or lower down and it's shanksville. Pure timing and hand co-ordination.


I like this quite a lot..... it's just a shame that you're going to be inconsistent with it....

your other swing was off plane... this one is just steep... (good job you're about to chicken wing your left arm) :p

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Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Downswing part 2

Thru impact you throw the club and you stop turning, your right shoulder never turns down to the ball, it hangs back and it's HIGH, it is working OUT, rather than out, down and forwards on a diagonal path. The club swings past you and you chicken wing.

Your right hip has stopped turning, your left hip is not deep (it can't be because your right shoulder isn't working downwards). I can take a guess that you do not have your head behind the ball, your chest is opening and you are chicken winging to avoid thumping the ground. You are even losing your spine angle in an effort to shallow the club. what is happening is your swing is stalling.... whatever shaft angle you had coming into the impact area is lost... and now you have to extend to avoid hitting a really steep/heavy shot.

Here's me and you side by side at about the same place in our swings, my left hip is deep, my right shoulder turned down and turning thru the ball, no chicken wing, nice retaining of spine tilt towards the ball.. hands were forwards thru impact whilst the head stayed back..


with some lines drawn on (heel to hip angle and spines) it looks like this...

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