Playing like …. after lessons. What’s your tolerance?


Assistant Pro
Aug 7, 2012
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That's just the typical crap that teaching pros spout. Only in golf do we put up with this logic. I've never had a skiing lesson or tennis lesson where the instructor says "expect to be crap at first). So what if it feels different. It should still work instantly whilst you get accustomed to the feeling.
Golfers are so gullible
Ever tried a piano lesson? Good luck actually playing better after than before the lesson. Its the endless hours after the lesson which gave you an understanding of what you are trying to do, before you will see that actual improvement.


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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So after the 10 balls that’s it?

Working through stuff in a lesson, you can see better shots. Replicating it under pressure is slightly different no?

I have had several lessons with a really good pro that has fixed my fault within about 10 balls of the lesson's starting.

However I am coming from a position of someone who had lessons from the off and regular lessons for many years. This particular pro and I only ever booked 10 minute lessons because he knew enough about me to consider that would be all that was needed.

Deleted member 23270

It's easy to make a change in 10 balls. Making it 'natural' takes a lot of repitions though.


Tour Winner
Aug 13, 2010
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It's easy to make a change in 10 balls. Making it 'natural' takes a lot of repitions though.
Yes I agree. What I'm saying is people get fed this garbage by pros about needing time for changes to bed in and work. That I don't mind, as long as the changes have a possitve results whilst your putting in the practice. This myth that it'll all come together as soon as you get used to it is utter trash.


Tour Winner
Aug 13, 2010
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I didn’t ever say that I didn’t see an improvement in the lesson. You said that.

If you think that pros don’t hit 1000’s of balls to embed the changes made by their coach, you are wrong.

Unless I'm mistaken and read this wrong yes you did

"Had a lesson on Tuesday and needless to say I was garbage in the medal today, 92 - 10 over handicap."

Secondly I know how many pros practice as I'm at the range with them. Some naturally need 1000's of balls for a new feel to become the norm and others it's instantly taken in.

Deleted member 1147

Because you’re trying to do something which feels a fair bit different from what you are used to ?‍♂️?
Like I said, “unless it’s a complete rebuild”, all you’re doing is amending what you’re already doing.
It shouldn’t be a massive change, just an adjustment.

Deleted member 1147

So after the 10 balls that’s it?

Working through stuff in a lesson, you can see better shots. Replicating it under pressure is slightly different no?
What pressure?
How much are you playing for?
We’re hobby golfers, doing it for fun. There is very little pressure, unless you’re playing for club or county.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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The very significant swing change I am working on, I have been working on for a year, and for it my pro requires me to try and hit the ball to make it fade every shot every time, other than chips and putting. It’s difficult. But I am getting there. Slowly.

I cannot just work on it on the range. I have to work on it every time out. If I do what a playing companion suggested recently ‘just relax and enjoy’ (I can sound a bit frustrated and a bit of a perfectionist…), I know exactly what will happen. I shall be welcoming back dear old Lucy Locket as a regular visitor. I only rarely have her on my doorstep these days.

On the course I don’t spend as much time reviewing and checking every shot as I do on the range, but I have to ‘in my head‘ check what happened to my ball against what I wanted to happen to it. And so, and much to my playing companions bemusement, the ‘nice‘ draw I can hit I greet with as much pleasure as I would get from finding a plook on the tip of my nose ?
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