Played my first medal today.

Nervous doesnt quite cut it, as the scorecard shows for the first few holes. Came onto a game the back 9 after thinning basically every iron shot for the first 7 or 8 holes. Good aspects though, my driving improving dramatically and my putting was excellent tonight, Lucky if i had 30 putts. Despite the poor first few can start to see my game improving, consistency is only getting better.
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Good scoring on the back nine.:thup:

Your playing partner did well. I always like to play with someone playing well, even if I am rubbish.
I hope so because I just had a 79 this afternoon, my handicap should get slashed.

As far as I know you can but there is a limit as to how many in a month, might be wrong mind you.

Also my mate handed in the putter he found last night.

Good man - glad he saw the light.
it was news to me but the pro said it was fine so we paid a couple of quid and signed in before we went out. He told us we were allowed 10 supplementary rounds a year, going to play another one this afternoon.

Why were you charged a couple of quid? There can't be prize money for Supplementaries.
Is Scotland some sort of backwater that doesn't allow supplementary cards??

The answer is no. Of course supplementary cards are allowed at the discretion of the club. Its designed to aid poor shift workers like myself.

It's not at the discretion of the club. Clubs are required to have a system in place to allow players to play Supplementaries and Supplementary cards must be accepted - unless Scotland is different.