I haven't had the pleasure of meeting Phil yet - he recently offered to host me at the zoo which hopefully I'll be able to take him up on later in the season.
From the other posts on this thread and his contributions to the forum, he seems to be a really good guy.
Wishing you a speedy recovery Phil!
Went in Thursday , for a very low risk tube down the throat endoscopy , to laser off a polyp.
Procedure went very well, went home, had dinner, went to bed.
Got up, brekky, shower, was 10 minutes into a drive to Golf and suddenly got all hot and faint. Stopped the car , got out and threw up loads of blood..
3 operations later, 20 units of blood later and I’m stable.
Going to be in itu for a couple of days, then tfr to cardiac as the ticker has taken a bashing.