Overlap/interlock grip variation


Aug 9, 2017
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Always used interlock grip but my driving is all over the place (mostly high slice) and I fade/ push ball to the Left (LH golfer) with Irons
Been experimenting with grips and find less hand tension with overlap grip which suits driver which now goes straight albeit with less power than the interlock grip.
I experimented a bit and came up with a slightly modified grip where the left pinkie goes under the right index finger instead of over it in the standard interlock grip (LH golfer). This gives the feeling somewhere between a conventional Interlock/overlap grip, and wondered if anyone had tried it or has comments as not tried it out yet.
See attached picture bearing in mind I'm left handed)


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Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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Always used interlock grip but my driving is all over the place (mostly high slice) and I fade/ push ball to the Left (LH golfer) with Irons
Been experimenting with grips and find less hand tension with overlap grip which suits driver which now goes straight albeit with less power than the interlock grip.
I experimented a bit and came up with a slightly modified grip where the left pinkie goes under the right index finger instead of over it in the standard interlock grip (LH golfer). This gives the feeling somewhere between a conventional Interlock/overlap grip, and wondered if anyone had tried it or has comments as not tried it out yet.
See attached picture bearing in mind I'm left handed)
if it works use it.
The loss of power might just be its new but find having one of your most powerful fingers off the grip will cause a power loss.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Always used interlock grip but my driving is all over the place (mostly high slice) and I fade/ push ball to the Left (LH golfer) with Irons
Been experimenting with grips and find less hand tension with overlap grip which suits driver which now goes straight albeit with less power than the interlock grip.
I experimented a bit and came up with a slightly modified grip where the left pinkie goes under the right index finger instead of over it in the standard interlock grip (LH golfer). This gives the feeling somewhere between a conventional Interlock/overlap grip, and wondered if anyone had tried it or has comments as not tried it out yet.
See attached picture bearing in mind I'm left handed)

the issue with the shot flight curvature maybes more to do with the orientation of the hands on the handle along with the upper body alignments (shoulders/chest) at set-up plus maybes head & ball position
(which finger overlaps a bunch less to do with what's goin down & the issues)

take note with the driver whether you tend to come into impact raising the hands&handle up making the shaft easy vertical that points the face (for you as LH) leftfield so push or slice if the face open to path

hard to tell exactly from the position the image taken at - but looks as if the grip may be a tad strong which understand the thinking behind that given the shot issues - bit more often that not & counterintuitively for folks this can tend to still leave the face open at impact due to that motion of straightening the body up and raising the hands into impact

would think maybes a better route would be starting by looking closely at those set-up alignments & also the hands orientation on the handle but that would need to go along with looking to return the shaft at an angle a bunch nearer to it's address set-up angle so returning to impact a lot less vertical (if that has been what's goin down through the motion)

for sure the easiest option - if it is possible - would be seeking some guidance over set-up & swing motion from PGA pro