Old Drivers


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Drop to a 6 Bob.....
I know you'll slate me and it is me and not the club..... Im just going through a bit of an identity crisis with my driver..... I cant seem to put the nice smooth swing on it like i do my 3 wood.... Its like i grow horns and just try to kill it!:rolleyes:

You know how far you hit a 7 iron and if its more than that, you drop to a 6
The driver is the only club you cant do that with. If you want to hit it further, you have to hit it harder.
Learn how far you hit the driver with a smooth swing and try and hit it that distance every time.


Journeyman Pro
Feb 20, 2013
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I was told that when go after a shot my hands play catch up and the pro said i "smothered" it. Now I can do that all day long with a 5wood and get right out there, so I pushed my luck and went for a 3 wood, and I can smother that as well... Miles down the middle. However 45" driver, hmm sometimes I can sometimes I can't .. But hey what is 10yards extra in the rubbish worth?
I have worked on my driving, but there comes a time when you just need to smash something and know it will do as intended, it won't get trapped behind you and slap it to the right, it will send it miles own the middle.
i suggest you pick up he weight kit and the same shaft and cut it to 0.75 longer than your 3 wood, balance back up with the weights and then give it a go.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I'm a forum short hitter and to be honest while I'd love another ten yards, the one thing I want to improve in 2014 is my accuracy. I was only hitting 45-50% of fairways and the bad ones were the ones that led to disaster holes. If I can keep it in the semi-rough at worse then I can still make a bogey more often than not. With my shots (for the moment!) then that is still going to be good enough. Accuracy over distance and I've already started to try and reduce the length and speed involved with my driver


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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I was told that when go after a shot my hands play catch up and the pro said i "smothered" it. Now I can do that all day long with a 5wood and get right out there, so I pushed my luck and went for a 3 wood, and I can smother that as well... Miles down the middle. However 45" driver, hmm sometimes I can sometimes I can't .. But hey what is 10yards extra in the rubbish worth?
I have worked on my driving, but there comes a time when you just need to smash something and know it will do as intended, it won't get trapped behind you and slap it to the right, it will send it miles own the middle.
i suggest you pick up he weight kit and the same shaft and cut it to 0.75 longer than your 3 wood, balance back up with the weights and then give it a go.

Thanks for that pal..... think ill do that...


Club Champion
Jul 22, 2011
Nelson, Lancs
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Your driver, wedges and putter are crucial and if you can't use them you should react: change them/get a pro's advice/get a lesson.
How can you enjoy golf when you are scared of driving?
I love driving, I love my driver and I have practised until I am confident.

Oh dear, teeing off with a 3? I'd rather play bowls.

Am I insufferable or is this the horrible truth?


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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You know how far you hit a 7 iron and if its more than that, you drop to a 6
The driver is the only club you cant do that with. If you want to hit it further, you have to hit it harder.
Learn how far you hit the driver with a smooth swing and try and hit it that distance every time.

I'd go with this,


Tour Winner
Jun 5, 2013
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It's early days for me and the X Hot 3 Deep, but the 2 full rounds I left my driver at home and played 28 tee shots with the 3 Deep, I've only missed 3 fairways and I've shot my lowest score ever of 10 over par, not bad for a 19 handicapper.

Very small sample (only 2 rounds) but it's looking promising so far.


Q-School Graduate
Dec 4, 2012
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Kid - seek out a Mactec NVG2 ( non Draw). I went back to it after the Draw version gave me my best driving year.

The standard non-draw is a beaut, truly for £20 on ebay too....if you can find one, which took me a while they are worth a wee go

I have a 13 degree draw one of these knocking about somewhere

Has a wet noodle for a shaft though


Journeyman Pro
Feb 20, 2013
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Your driver, wedges and putter are crucial and if you can't use them you should react: change them/get a pro's advice/get a lesson.
How can you enjoy golf when you are scared of driving?
I love driving, I love my driver and I have practised until I am confident.

Oh dear, teeing off with a 3? I'd rather play bowls.

Am I insufferable or is this the horrible truth?
some holes are just too short for a driver...


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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Your driver, wedges and putter are crucial and if you can't use them you should react: change them/get a pro's advice/get a lesson.
How can you enjoy golf when you are scared of driving?
I love driving, I love my driver and I have practised until I am confident.

Oh dear, teeing off with a 3? I'd rather play bowls.

Am I insufferable or is this the horrible truth?

Insufferable for me.

Why because I struggle with one club in the bag should I give the game up? I can get a 3 wood out there over 250, more than plenty to get round most golf courses.

Im glad youve practised with your driver and are so confident with it, a knee issue and some related technical faults make me struggle with the driver (and most longer clubs these days), i understand the theory fully but am unable to correct it consistently enough. I find the game far more enjoyable hitting approach shots from on the golf course rather than deep in the bundu

What do you play off? Be interesting to know how far away from being good enough to play the game I am and how close I am to taking up bowls :whistle:

Dave B

Q-School Graduate
Dec 26, 2011
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I played with a 13 degree 3 wood for a while and although it improved my score in the short term, it didn't improve my golf in the long term.

I could hit it both off the deck and off the tee however my pros opinion was if you can hit a strong 3 wood off the deck you should be able to hit your driver.

When we looked at it, I was using a much smoother controlled swing with the 3 wood, especially off the deck, letting the club do the work however with the driver like many others you see, I was trying to muller it. As a result, I was getting out of shape both on the back swing and downswing. You don't always realise you're doing it and your body tries to compensate resulting in the inevitable poor shot.

After working on control, tempo and balance everything came right. Ok I did lose some distance however that was more than compensated for on fairways and shots saved. I'm not a big hitter at 220-230 yds however in the real golf world this is a very respectable distance and now I can go for it when required but I know that for every extra yard I try to squeeze out there is a tendency for the ball to go a few more yards left or right and that's when you get into trouble.

I know a few low single figure players like Fundy who can out drive me with a 3 wood, however they are in the minority but I still manage to take a pound off them occasionally as driving is only a small part of the game.
Last edited:


Money List Winner
Dec 3, 2010
Stevenage, Herts
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I had a strong 3 wood for a while but couldnt get the thing airborne at times, others it went miles. It doesnt matter what club you use if its a poor swing then the shot will be poor.I am tempted to get my shaft cut down by an inch or 2 on the driver but I know on a good day I can hit it straight and a decent distance so for me its a case of sort the swing not the club.

I totally understand Fundy's issue as he has had more injuries than Andy Carroll :p

When I had a ping g10 12 degree reg for some reason I swung it smoother knowing I was inbetween reg/stiff. Now I have a stiff shaft I think I have to muller it.... it doesnt work!

Good luck in your quest :thup:


Journeyman Pro
Feb 20, 2013
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Seriously your scoring clubs are 90-150yards .. There will be one in there that is your favourite. Now a full shot is more comfortable to hit and will result in more spin than a half shot. So I play to be 150 max away from the hole but a minimum of 100 yards out unless of cause the hole is so short then I play to 30 or 50 yards as these are my bread and butter distance for my 60deg and 56deg wedges. So pulling out the driver at every par 4 or 5 is just too simplistic a strategy.
I have also accountanted for geography, on a par 5 I will use my 5w and hit a downslope at 225-230yards to take the ball in excess of 270 yards, if I use a driver I may miss the fairway, I will carry the downslope and may get to 290yards but from the second cut. So, I use what is enough.


Club Champion
May 25, 2013
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I recently sold my Driver after I picked up covert tour 3 wood.

set it to 13 degrees and it's straighter and only 20 yards shorter than what I got out of my driver.
Got cut since too.


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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Your driver, wedges and putter are crucial and if you can't use them you should react: change them/get a pro's advice/get a lesson.
How can you enjoy golf when you are scared of driving?
I love driving, I love my driver and I have practised until I am confident.

Oh dear, teeing off with a 3? I'd rather play bowls.

Am I insufferable or is this the horrible truth?

Scratching my head at this post.... If your that good with a driver why carry a 3 wood...... Oh wait.... you dont tee off with it so its just used for the fairway..... My Bad.. :(

I dont think anywhere in my post did i say i was bricking it over my driving!

A lot on here know that im a stubborn Sod and i will sort this.... Its just another hurdle for me.....:lol:


Tour Winner
Aug 22, 2010
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I had a strong 3 wood for a while but couldnt get the thing airborne at times, others it went miles. It doesnt matter what club you use if its a poor swing then the shot will be poor.I am tempted to get my shaft cut down by an inch or 2 on the driver but I know on a good day I can hit it straight and a decent distance so for me its a case of sort the swing not the club.

I totally understand Fundy's issue as he has had more injuries than Andy Carroll :p

When I had a ping g10 12 degree reg for some reason I swung it smoother knowing I was inbetween reg/stiff. Now I have a stiff shaft I think I have to muller it.... it doesnt work!

Good luck in your quest :thup:

This my problem after I bought my pings, fitted for stiff shafts. This made me mentally swing harder, my pro noticed this and has got me to just put a normal smooth swing on it. I'm now striking the ball much better.