Nightmare round ahead- advice?


Q-School Graduate
Jan 7, 2008
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The missus and I are normally afternoon golfers for the simple reason that there's less people about and specifically less of the 'must reach the turn in an hour, it's my course, our of my way vagabond' types.

For a combination of reasons the only game we can get this weekend is Saturday 9.10 am tee off and were dreading it :(

The slots are eight minutes wide so if we duff so much as a one shot were going to be spending a lot of time waving tutting golfers through. With both of us less than perfect it's not something were looking forward to.

Our best hope is that we get a slow four ball behind us but the chances are well get one in front of us with 38 groups of Formula 1 speed golfers behind us.

The only other strategy we have is that the first sign of trouble and well call it a day and cut our losses. Personally, I can't concentrate too well when ive got someone standing 100 yards away with their hands on their hips , shaking their head while I try and convert a putt.

We normally play a round in about 3 and a half hours.

This all stems back from being a member of a busy 9 hole 18 tee track a while back where it was just impossible to relax and enjoy. The scars remain

Is it only us that find this unnerving or it is the sort of typical playing conditions you might expect if your a morning player and don't give it a thought?

Any advice?

Deleted member 1147

I think we all dread the holier than thou speedsters behind - but at 3.5hrs per round you aren't exactly slow are you?

Also you can normally guarantee that both those in front and behind will be losing balls.

So I would just say relax, you've paid to be there so you've every right to play at a sensible speed rather than rushing!

Just don't do any of the annoying things some golfers do - like leaving their bags on the far side of the green from the next tee, or marking cards on the green.


Tour Winner
Apr 18, 2007
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3 ½ hours is fine mate, you have as much right as any body to be playing and relaxing.

Go out and have fun, so what if you lose a ball or two, As long as you don’t take more than 5 minutes to find it who cares?


Medal Winner
Apr 7, 2008
Alton, Hampshire
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i get these feelings of dread also; made worse by the fact that i've not been playing for long.

however, my philosophy is you've got a right to be there, you've paid your money etc. and you're entitled to enjoy your time on the course. i think you're putting alot of pressure on yourself and thinking worse case scenario all the time which unfortunately tends to become a self fulfilling prophecy.

in my short time of playing golf i've seen enough 'all the gear' peeps spray their shots all over the place to know that poor shots don't just happen to us lesser mortals.

my advice would be:

look forward to the new t-time. i quite like starting early as i feel smug for the rest of the day knowing i've had a nice round of golf while other people would appear to be washing their car, shopping at sainsbury's etc.

expect to play some duff shots - it'll take the pressure off you and consequently you'll relaxe more.

don't look over your shoulder too much.

enjoy it. it's why you're there.

lastly, just observe etiquette but not to the point where you're constantly looking over your shoulder and waving every group you see through. i find that every now and then you look back towards a group whom were moving quite quickly, only to notice them stood knee deep in rough looking for their ball.


Q-School Graduate
Apr 2, 2008
The land of the long green vegetable
If you play that quickly you really should have a very clear conscience. Remember, if you're playing without undue delay then there's no reason to be concerned about the group behind*. All said, concentrate on your own game and enjoy it. If you don't you'll be taking to playing at 3am.

(* if for whatever reason the group behind is able to play through then let them but it sounds like the course is busy that morning and with 8min slots there wont be much room for chopping and changing.)

What are the first 3 holes like?


Head Pro
Apr 2, 2008
Chipping Sodbury
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I think you're being a little bit of a baby about this. If you're dreading playing and already talking yourself out of having a nice time then don't play. Theres plenty of better things to do on a sunny weekend than endure a nightmare at the golf course.
You should either tell yourself that you have as much right as anyone else there tommorow, promise to slash one straight down the middle of the first and hold your head high OR suggest to your Mrs that you both go to the driving range for a knockabout or something with less pressure that will lead to a nice hassle free weekend for the both of you which I am sure you both deserve.


Money List Winner
May 8, 2007
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I used to have similar issues and can give a couple of bits of advice. Firstly, try and talk to the group behind if you get the chance. It makes it far easier to relax when you know that the group behind is friendly rather than assume that they are fuming at the speed of play.

Aside from that, just remember that your obligation is only to keep up with the group in front so as long as you are not dropping behind them then you are fine and should just relax.

Deleted member 1147

Another option, if you aren't playing a comp', could be to start at the ninth and just play nine holes - if it bothers you that much!


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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If as I suspect this is a pay and play facility you have just as much right as anybody else turning up andparting with their cash to play.

I would go with a clean slate and no preconceptions. Just play your normal game and enjoy the weather (no need for waterproofs this weekend). Have a laugh when you play a bad shot and congratulate each other when you hit a good one.

If your game is a little awry and you do lose some ground just let the group behind through with good grace and above all just enjoy it.

It may be that you meet some decent golfers as it is my experience that most good golfers often like to get out early when the course is at its quietest. If so I doubt you will get too much grief. Good advice to try and speak the group behind first if you are still worried.

Let us know how you get on


Challenge Tour Pro
Feb 28, 2008
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Just scrolled thru the whole thread.

There are the "God squad" who would press anyone but 3 and half hours for 18 holes is fine!

Just roll it round in your own good time and have fun.


Q-School Graduate
Jan 7, 2008
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Will be brief as on mobile interweb. In short - logjam for first 3 holes then spread out a little. Helped by having a slow mixed 4 ball behind which gave us a nice buffer. It seemed very slow being in a 'train' of golfers but no one seemed that surprised. Maybe thats the way on busy days. Called it a day on 14th grn as we 4h 15mins. in, wilting from 28 deg heat and hol calling