Nick Griffin on Questiontime...good or bad


Tour Winner
Dec 16, 2007
East Lothian Scotland
Well guys, now you know the reason I turned over. After a short time it was clear the whole programme was a farce. IMO the BBC made a big mistake on the way this was presented. Dimbleby should have been impartial, to some degree anyway, but when he waded in full tilt that was enough for me.


Assistant Pro
Jul 16, 2009
Manchester, Whitefield
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i thought the whole thing was poor, Griffin missed a huge opportunity, he came across bumbling, unconfident and uncertain, the positive thing is that it may, hopefully, open the door on immigration policies, its obviously a sore point for the majority of the UK, however maybe we should look at our own "uber-scum" the serial claimants of benefit, the benfit cheats, the idlers who wont work who use incapacity as an excuse...incap of 80-90 per week because you are alcoholic???? give me a break!
we need a big clean up in the uk.


Tour Winner
Mar 18, 2009
i thought the whole thing was poor, Griffin missed a huge opportunity, he came across bumbling, unconfident and uncertain, the positive thing is that it may, hopefully, open the door on immigration policies, its obviously a sore point for the majority of the UK, however maybe we should look at our own "uber-scum" the serial claimants of benefit, the benfit cheats, the idlers who wont work who use incapacity as an excuse...incap of 80-90 per week because you are alcoholic???? give me a break!
we need a big clean up in the uk.

I read somewhere that every penny raised on income tax is spent on benefits that is why we are taxed so much on everything else.


Money List Winner
Jan 18, 2008
Verwood, Dorset.
I just find it sad that in this country we can not have a debate on immigration without the middle classes bringing race to the table.

It's not just the 'middle classes' though.

Some salient points made here. Herbie especially.

I did watch it, I do watch QT occasionally. But I also felt that the programme was nothing more than a witch hunt. I don't believe in Griffens ideals or politics, but the number of people in this country is an issue. Not a race issue, just an issue. PC bridgade gone loopy again!

For Jack Straw to harp on about honesty and lies was a joke. Does he not realise how we feel about politicians in general at the moment? As to the WW2 statement! Yes we had a lot of support from foreigners, but lets not forget the US involvement and of course the catestophic errors that Hitler made. As already mentioned.

For any political party to bang on about racism is laughable. Ask Joanna Lumley and the Gurkas!

I'm afraid that last nights circus would probably of benefitted Griffin more than it did harm. They all talk about democracy, but reduced themselves to no more than playground bullies.

The Beebs declining reputation is continuing downwards.

I'd like to a proper debate about immagration, without the 'r' word coming up from either side. Sadly that didn't happen last night.


Tour Winner
Dec 16, 2007
East Lothian Scotland
Well guys, now you know the reason I turned over. After a short time it was clear the whole programme was a farce. IMO the BBC made a big mistake on the way this was presented. Dimbleby should have been impartial, to some degree anyway, but when he waded in full tilt that was enough for me.

In what way was he not impartial, he asked him to point out which quotes of his where correctly reported - he often brings up things the panalists have said he does it to everyone.

Because it was one man against the rest and considering the BBC got a fair bit of flak I would have thought the presenter would have been briefed before hand. Tell me, were there any BMP supporters in the audience.


Money List Winner
Dec 31, 2008
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I agree with the majority of posts here and turned over before too long. A whole program devoted to getting one person to justify previous quotes then trying to catch him out, it was only a matter of time before one of them tried to trip him up on his petty.

I feel the BBC allowed/ orchestrated this "pack" mentality attack to appease those who were against him appearing in the first place. It was as if to say "WE only got him on to give him a hard time"

Nick Griffin would have done a fantastic job of showing himself as a complete idiot in a general political discussion without the school yard antics that were tried last night.


Tour Winner
Mar 18, 2009
Well guys, now you know the reason I turned over. After a short time it was clear the whole programme was a farce. IMO the BBC made a big mistake on the way this was presented. Dimbleby should have been impartial, to some degree anyway, but when he waded in full tilt that was enough for me.

In what way was he not impartial, he asked him to point out which quotes of his where correctly reported - he often brings up things the panalists have said he does it to everyone.

Because it was one man against the rest and considering the BBC got a fair bit of flak I would have thought the presenter would have been briefed before hand. Tell me, were there any BMP supporters in the audience.

Given that he was clapped on the way by certain members of the audience as shown in the coverage this morning I think there was - I think one man against the rest is fairly representive of his policies are you suggesting he should have had a fifth of the audience (for example) this would have been a misrepresentaion of his support.


Tour Winner
Jul 31, 2009
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I thought this was interesting, at no point did Jack Straw look at Nick Griffin during the entire show,not even a glance, At the moment with the way his party has performed and the wrong doing with respect to the money grabbing and public purse robbing via expenses I actually feel worse about him and his kind than I do about Nick Griffin.

Deleted member 1147

I wanted to watch it but I had some reservations, especially when I read that Bonnie Greer would be on the panel. I thought at that point that the whole show would be about race.
I switched onto the show for a few minutes and, quite frankly, it bored me!

We recently had a flyer from the BNP for local council elections and this proved that, as a party, they have no real policies. Everything mentioned, be it transport, finance, healthcare etc came back to immigration, funding Turkeys joining the EU or immigration.

That is why the show last night could have been good. If good, eloquent politicians went up against Griffin it may have shown him up as the leader of the National Front and nothing more.


Tour Winner
Sep 2, 2008
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I don't agree at all, I thought the show was well marshalled by David Dimbleby he pushes anyone who gets away from the asked question, he had to push Jack Straw on numerous points. I always watch QT and I have seen it, just as heated (during expenses row for example), I think you have to remember that this person has been spouting this vile rubbish for years and it is very rare for people to be able to respond to him directly.

I think the show served its purpose which was to Give the Racist enough rope to hang himself, but you have to remeber it was a debate show and not a BNP question and answer show.

Please name one question Griffin was allowed to answer uninterrupted by playground ridicule? just one question will do.

At least griffin had bigger balls than the rest on the panel and still had the decency to allow people to speak.
I dont know what program you saw freddie, if you think it was in any way fair?

It was entirely a stage managed or deliberate BNP bashing program and in no way a debate. in fact the only person there who appeared impartial and sensible was the lady on the left as you look at the panel (forget her name) the rest were just like kids.

Where was the only agression and law breaking and outrageous behavior ,normally associated with BNP, it was outside the BBC by those really nice moderate 'lets hug an ethnic' protestors. :rolleyes:

This program will do more good than bad for the BNP, it was a completely wasted oportunity to crush them, similar gains were made when Gerry Adams and his party were silenced when no one was allowed to broadcast their voices, I didnt think a dumber idea could have been thought up let alone carried out...........til questiontime with Griffin came along.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I have to agree with Herbie. Even Dimbleby was interrupting him or cutting him off before he could finish an answer. I think the whole thing would have been better suited if it had been opened up to cover a wider range of issues and shown his political skills and party policy for what they really are. A firmer presenter like Paxman would have stopped the thing degenerating into the farce it became.


Provider of Entertainment for the Golfing Gods 🙄
Oct 29, 2009
Aylesbury Bucks
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And now 3 weeks later

the whole thing has been forgotten about.

Was the whole thing worthwhile or just an attempt to bolster the viewing figures.

I do think that Dimbleby needs to stop butting in and let the people answer the questions, I find him irritating