Newbie - Distance Improvement


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Jun 7, 2021
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Hi All

I am a total newbie to golf. I have started with lessons and yet to progress to a course. At the moment I have only had 4 lessons and in between I have been to the range to practice. I have only been using a couple of Iron's a 4 & 7. I am concentrating on my technique etc. Yesterday was really the first time I was looking at the distance I was hitting them. With my 7 Iron, I noticed on average I was hitting approx 100yds. I did a Google to see what I compared with and it seems I am rather low.

I know everyone is different, but I would like to think that with practice and experience this should increase?

Ser Shankalot

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Jul 22, 2020
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Both your distance as well as control will dramatically improve with lessons and practice as your body and muscles get used to the movements.

I would recommend ditching the 4 iron however at the beginning - irons below 5 can be difficult to hit even for more experienced players. Maybe practice with a 5 iron or a hybrid if you can get your hands on one.

But also I'm no expert, so shouldn't really be answering in this sub-section of the forum. :)


Undisputed King of FOMO
Jun 18, 2020
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Hi All

I am a total newbie to golf. I have started with lessons and yet to progress to a course. At the moment I have only had 4 lessons and in between I have been to the range to practice. I have only been using a couple of Iron's a 4 & 7. I am concentrating on my technique etc. Yesterday was really the first time I was looking at the distance I was hitting them. With my 7 Iron, I noticed on average I was hitting approx 100yds. I did a Google to see what I compared with and it seems I am rather low.

I know everyone is different, but I would like to think that with practice and experience this should increase?

100 yards carry or total?

Is the range dead flat, uphill, downhill? Do you have any range technologies involved i.e top tracer?

How old are you? How fit are you?

Lots of stuff to take into account! Dont just compare with googles average distances!


Assistant Pro
Feb 25, 2014
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Range balls are not (usually) the same standard as normal golf balls so you can easily add 10-20 yards to the distance you will hit out on the course - if that makes you feel better ?


Medal Winner
Oct 21, 2016
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100 yards with a 7 iron is good if it goes straight.
Don't be tempted to hit as hard as you can, because it never works. Think more of tempo with any club.

Never sure who the tour pro was who got wound up by an amateur who bragged he could hit it further with the same club.
The pro took him to a short hole and used every club in his bag to send it to on to the green.
Not sure if that's a real story but it shows you don't need power to be accurate.
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Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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100 yards with a 7 iron is good if it goes straight.
Don't be tempted to hit as hard as you can, because it never works. Think more of tempo with any club.

Never sure who the tour pro was who got wound up by an amateur who bragged he could hit it further with the same club.
The pro took him to a short hole and used every club in his bag to send it to on to the green.
Not sure if that's a real story but it shows you don't need power to be accurate.
If you have ever seen the 14 club challenge done regularly by the European Tour then you would be sceptical of that story. I've heard a similar story attributed to both Ben Hogan and Gary Player, it might be one of those .....

Your point however is one I would completely agree with though (y)


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Jun 7, 2021
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Thanks for the replies. Much appreciated.

I have just turned 40. My main sport is cycling. I have raced them for years. I have always enjoyed watching Golf and my Father & Brother In law play. So to get more time with them and play another sport I thought I would give it a go. So far, absolutely loving it.

In answer to thee questions @Bdill93. Its a rolling range I would say. It's in terms of carry or total. As a total newb, I would assumed carry is when the ball is in the air? If so the 100yds includes total. The range doesn't have any technology, but when I am having lessons it does. So that's been really helpful.

I am still very much getting used to the movement and of course as total novice a lot of my shots aren't straight, but with every practice & lesson I would say they're getting better.


Undisputed King of FOMO
Jun 18, 2020
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Thanks for the replies. Much appreciated.

I have just turned 40. My main sport is cycling. I have raced them for years. I have always enjoyed watching Golf and my Father & Brother In law play. So to get more time with them and play another sport I thought I would give it a go. So far, absolutely loving it.

In answer to thee questions @Bdill93. Its a rolling range I would say. It's in terms of carry or total. As a total newb, I would assumed carry is when the ball is in the air? If so the 100yds includes total. The range doesn't have any technology, but when I am having lessons it does. So that's been really helpful.

I am still very much getting used to the movement and of course as total novice a lot of my shots aren't straight, but with every practice & lesson I would say they're getting better.

Then honestly my advice is - keep having lessons. Ideally with a well known reputable pro, dont quit - because it really does suck at times, practise what the pro says to practise and within 12 months you'll be posting about breaking 100 for the first time.

Sounds like you're fit enough to be playing golf to a decent level.

Simply put:
Carry is the distance the ball flies in the air.
Total yardage is how far it goes including roll out.
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Jun 7, 2021
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Thanks. The chap I am having lessons with I did some research before and has coached some decent pro's. I feel confident with him and I am already seeing progress. It's a case of just practicing like you say.


Undisputed King of FOMO
Jun 18, 2020
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Thanks. The chap I am having lessons with I did some research before and has coached some decent pro's. I feel confident with him and I am already seeing progress. It's a case of just practicing like you say.

Honestly just stick with it. We all start somewhere, it wont be long till someones on the range near you wishing they could hit it through the air like you can! Youll get that 7 iron flying 120+ easy!


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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As others have said ask at the range what balls they use. Balls that only travel three quarters distance are quite common so the range does not have to be that long.

Another vote from me for ditching the 4 iron.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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Distance is not something to worry about.
100 yds for a total beginner isnt to bad.
The way to get longer is to hit the ball right in the sweet spot of the face( flushed )
Hitting left and right happens to us all ,even after 40 yrs. that a fact.
It’s a hard game to master . So don’t beat yourself up it takes time and practice.
You are doing it the correct way and listen to your pro not your mates.
Good luck and enjoy.
Always ask on here there are some very wise people on here.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
As someone who likes to interfere with peoples golf swings......... :p:p

100yds with a rubber range ball isn't too bad as a newbie but you should be looking to improve that fairly quickly.

The ball goes further with better technique and better SPEED in your swing.

My advice is to learn how to swing the GRIP of the club rather than worry about the end that has the clubhead

Also don't try to HIT the ball.... allow yourself to just swing (fast) and let the ball be in the way as the club swings thru
(rather like hitting the ball with your practice swing).


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Jun 7, 2021
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Bit of an update :)

This evening I went to a local field with my bro in law. I just took the 7 Iron. I went with the whole idea just to concentrate on my swing. Not to aim to smash the ball but to get the proper technique as discussed in my lessons.

Wow, I am BUZZING! I really enjoyed myself. My shots are certainly getting more consistent and as a brucie bonus, they were going a lot longer. I did feel easier hitting it from the grass rather than the matting at the driving range. However it could be just my technique is starting to come together I suppose. Tomorrow I am off to the range so we shall see!
Thanks again everyone.


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Jun 7, 2021
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Just thought I would post another updated.

I went to the driving range the other evening and also this morning. I am now a lot more consistent with my hitting. This morning especially I was better in terms of distance but at the moment I am seeing that as a bonus. I am just trying to be more consistent with my swing.

I have a lesson booked for Tuesday. I am loving it.

One thing...........that feeling when you hit the sweet spot..................WOW


Assistant Pro
Jun 26, 2015
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100 yards with a 7 iron is good if it goes straight.
Don't be tempted to hit as hard as you can, because it never works. Think more of tempo with any club.

Never sure who the tour pro was who got wound up by an amateur who bragged he could hit it further with the same club.
The pro took him to a short hole and used every club in his bag to send it to on to the green.
Not sure if that's a real story but it shows you don't need power to be accurate.
I've heard the story attached to Christy O'Connor snr.


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Jun 7, 2021
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Well, it's been a while since I have been on here.

I have still been having lessons, but now I have been on a couple of Par 3's a few times and I have been on an 18 course with my in law's. The Par 3 I am comfortable with now and really enjoying and learning all the time. The 18 I didn't drive as I didn't feel comfortable with fully yet. I got my brother in law to do it for me and then I have played from further down. My distance has really improved and still loving it.


Undisputed King of FOMO
Jun 18, 2020
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Well, it's been a while since I have been on here.

I have still been having lessons, but now I have been on a couple of Par 3's a few times and I have been on an 18 course with my in law's. The Par 3 I am comfortable with now and really enjoying and learning all the time. The 18 I didn't drive as I didn't feel comfortable with fully yet. I got my brother in law to do it for me and then I have played from further down. My distance has really improved and still loving it.

Well done mate! Keep up the great work! How far you carrying that 7 now?


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Jun 7, 2021
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Well done mate! Keep up the great work! How far you carrying that 7 now?

I am now hitting on average over 100yds carry. I am still focusing on my swing and not trying to belt it and slowly but surly the length is improving. A few odd ones are fluffed but what is keeping me motivated is I am still seeing improvement.

One thing I was told is try and imagine the ball isn't there. Imagine its still a practice swing. That has helped a few times.