New Posts link


Tour Winner
May 3, 2008
Scotland via Ireland
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Is there any reason why sometimes when you click on the new posts link at the top of the page that it will only show a few threads and other times it can be 2 pages.

This is happening at any time of the day and not first thing in the morning when the forum may have be quiet during the night.

Edit this can change as quickly as checking new posts first when theres a couple of pages then viewing one of those threads then going back to check new posts and there is then only 2-3 threads showing. Can be annoying to say the least.
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Money List Winner
May 4, 2010
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It is to do with times. If you are logged in and looking and the "new posts" page but scoot away for twenty minutes then when you come back the server sees this as a new log in and resets everything from the new point. A way around it is to stay logged in but go to the "who's online" screen as it fools the server into thinking you are still looking at stuff so won't reset everything on you.