New Driver?


Money List Winner
Mar 4, 2009
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I'd welcome some thoughts on this. (Experts and anyone who's experienced this..)

This season, I'm swinging the club a little differently; I deliberately laid off the golf over the winter and set about making a fresh start, which was about 6-7 weeks ago.

Armed with 2 clubs fitted with Leadbetter grips (just for practise, old kit) a garden chair (Bob :)) and some drills I'd worked on previously, I've been working hard. Although I haven't dipped under 80 yet, I'm hitting the ball quite well and my short game is recovering.

Apart from the odd "thin" (like 4 in-a-row on the 7th :() it's bedding in well. Irons are clean and far more divot-y than before, fairways going OK, not really using hybrids. Considering I rarely took a divot to speak of (just a grass tuft) I'm doing something different as I'm getting the odd whopper shot (long) with a tasty divot that starts where the tee peg was/would be, and bottoms out a good 2-3 inches in front of the ball.

(Yawn, yawn, sorry)

BUT my driving is messed up! :( I'm straight enough, but the ball is going massively high and I've hit a few "pitching woods" - a drive that pops up because I've clearly hit down on it and it's come out the top of the face with far too much backspin.

I've got 2 drivers, both 13 degree which used to give me ideal launch (max carry for swing speed) but neither seems to be working just now.

So, the question is

(Drum roll..............)

Let's say my swing speed is up a tad, I'm steeper and less lateral than before - could it be me, or could I need a lower loft driver. Trouble is, I can't afford a custom fit and £249 driver - I've got £186 in the current account!


Tour Winner
Jul 20, 2011
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Its not the driver!! Where do you have the ball in your stance? How high/low do you tee it up. If your hitting down to much, could be a few reasons

1 to much weight shift, (getting infront of the ball)
2 Ball to far back in stance.
3 To steep a backswing. (so chopping down on the ball).

But that could all be a load of rubbish and one of the experts, will be along to put you right.


Money List Winner
Dec 3, 2010
Stevenage, Herts
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from my limited experience, my high driver shots are caused by having my weight too far back @ impact. Might not be relevant to you but maybe video your swing and post on here & one of the resident experts can help


Money List Winner
Mar 4, 2009
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Do you ever take a divot with your driver?

LOL :)

Not that I can ever remember. Clearly the "pop up" ones are simply BAD shots, plain and simple, but the normal ones are flying way higher than before.

Ball is teed slightely lower a.t.m. Stance possibly a little narrower (maybe).

If my divots/grazes (with mid clubs) are anything to go by, I'd say my weight is further forward through impact.

My topped shots (fairways off the deck) are bottoming out just after the ball, for sure, as opposed to the other one (when the club reaches the low point and is on it's way up catching the ball above the equator).


Money List Winner
Mar 4, 2009
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OK - so booked in to try a few drivers this afternoon. (selection of used kit 11-13 my pro has found)

Will report back sometime with news.


Money List Winner
Mar 4, 2009
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New is bad, I'm afraid.

Go straight to shorts-ville. Do not pass GO and do not collect 240 yards.

I tried a few and the combination of loft and shaft makes almost no difference. 11 degrees, 12 degrees, 13, makes no difference.

Only 1 of 2 things for it, I'm going to need to either seriously sort my swing, or start thrashing at it like a mad man.

Time to go and cry over my tea and chocolate hob nobs. :(


Money List Winner
Nov 17, 2009
Taunton ,Somerset
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New is bad, I'm afraid.

Go straight to shorts-ville. Do not pass GO and do not collect 240 yards.

I tried a few and the combination of loft and shaft makes almost no difference. 11 degrees, 12 degrees, 13, makes no difference.

Only 1 of 2 things for it, I'm going to need to either seriously sort my swing, or start thrashing at it like a mad man.

Time to go and cry over my tea and chocolate hob nobs. :(

Did the pro go with you.
Did you have a lesson.
Why not wait until you have £250 quid in your account[wont take long]
and get a proper fitting.
If you are really serious about sorting the problem,fix it permanently.
Dont go for the short term fix.


Money List Winner
Mar 4, 2009
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Cheers PJ.

I think a sit down with my pro to talk about things is the only way forward. Clearly, you can only go so far with a slow swing speed, and my current driver is probably about as good as it gets.


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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If I remember right Dave, weren't you on the "Get more distance" trip to the Belfry?

Have you implemented the advice you were given there, or is it not as simple as that?


Money List Winner
Mar 4, 2009
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If I remember right Dave, weren't you on the "Get more distance" trip to the Belfry?

Have you implemented the advice you were given there, or is it not as simple as that?

I certainly have mate - big time. The two drills the pro gave me have been the core of my practise now for ages, PLUS working with the Leadbetter grip 6 iron from my pro.

My swing is good a.t.m. - what's missing is the crucial movements to get my clubhead speed up.

I had a 78 in practise a couple of weeks back, and that includes 6 holes I can't reach.

I'm coming down steeper and more centred over the ball - I think this is what's sending my drives higher and less far.

It's a right pain in the proverbial.