Nearly an Ex- Fragger


Provider of Entertainment for the Golfing Gods 🙄
Oct 29, 2009
Aylesbury Bucks
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went to Aylesbury Vale of Thursday with Imurg and CVG on a scouting trip in case HS2 gets the go ahead as it will go through the middle of Aylesbury Park.

anyway to cut a long story short........

2 singlies decided to tee off from the 10th rather than wait for the queue on the first, and they formed a 2 ball behind us.

We had driven off on the 12th par 5 uphill . Mine had gone 220 up the left side straight. and Imurgs was about 20 yards further up.

Took my second shot ( a rather nice 200 yard straight at the green one) and was standing by imurg as he started his pre shot routing for his second shot

So there we were, 240 yards from the tee, looking down towards the green and we hear a muffled shout of "Fore" from somewhere followed immediately by a thud about 5 yards to my left as a ball landed and stopped.

It wasnt a shout, followed by a couple of seconds then a thud, it was "Fore" Thud , No time to react, if it had hit me it would have caused serious damage.

I have 2 big issues here

1 Clarity of the call, It should have been sooner, then repeated if it looked dangerous, I always shout Fore RIGHT

2 If the bloke can CARRY 240 yards, then he should have known that were were within range and waited.

Fair enough if a ball lands 50 yards behind me and rolls up thats not a problem, but if it carries to where people are, thats criminally dangerous.

As Aylesbury Vale is an up/down course, we drove off on the 13th and they were coming up towards the 12th green. So I had words and I was not a happy Fragger.

He apologised, but I pointed out that his call was late, and he shouldnt have been making the shot in the first place and that if there was a repeat, not only would I complain to the club, but i would stick his driver somewhere where the sun dont shine.

I think I showed remarkable restraint in the circumstances

Why is he within his rights to tee off?

I dont understand your logic on this one

Im in front, within range, he has to wait simples


i have to agree....if he knows he can hit it that far then he should wait,especially when it's all carry.that is dangerous!!!

if as you say it rolled up to you's then it's no big's rude aswell,playing right up your chuff like that.he should of waited until everyone had played and been well out of range.
Why is he within his rights to tee off?

I dont understand your logic on this one

Im in front, within range, he has to wait simples


Yes your right,im wrong he should have waited.
I suppose if he knew he could reach you easily he should have waited.
We have a par four at our place that is reachable in one,however its rarely
achieved on the full,but ive seen it done.
However we are well within our rights to tee off,even if we know it can be done,
albeit rarely.
With the recent award of 400k to the guy who was hit in the eye,
do we now have to wait,just in case,or are we still within our rights to tee off.
Its all a bit worrying now isnt it.
Because if you had got hit today and badly injured,you could have found yourself in
a court case,even though Fore was shouted.
Is this also a case to add to slow play,as everyone will now wait until the player
in front is well out of range.
Certainly a strange hole to happen on and if you were just on the brow of the hill then you are clearly in sight, moreso probably than from any other tee on the course, whoever it was was completely in the wrong for sure (you usually more likely to worry about stray balls off 13th tee than from behind you going up 12!
FRAGGER from now on I am going to be carefull what I say on your threads lol............I have a R11 driver and that would be alot of money entering my rear lol.
Dont think i would have been so restrained for 2 reasons ,DISTANCE... 240 yards, he shouldnt even be teeing off with a long iron or 3wood, if you/i were up round 300 id say what the heck at worse it would roll up .. & (2)this from a clown that cut in ? fragger id have been having a word there & then or sending him back his ball , air mail
Surprised he shouted at all. If (rarely) I hit a shot which might be near someone, I will only shout if I am sure it will be a close thing. 5 yards left or right, no, I wouldn't shout. Short or long, yes, because I don't know if I will hit them. Guys have a go about shouting 'fore', but I don't want anyone I am missing, to move into the shot.

That said, I want the guys in front more than 240, as I might flush it (rare) and get there. Especially if they are in the woods down the left.

If I shout fore, it is going to hit some one.
regularly have similar at our place, there is a short ish par 4 thats down hill, semi big hitters can hit the green with one bounce others regulary can have the ball rolling on to the green.

several people have commented 'its a par 4 we're within our rights to tee off'. apart from this being in my view a complete load of bollox, its dangerous, rude, and severely offputting and unfair to those putting to have balls bouncing around you or running on the green.

surely its common sense that if you can reach or think you can, you wait.
I dont care if it's called a par 4 or par 3, if you can reach it and therefor risk hitting someone, you wait.
And as for someone hitting a shot that rolls up next to me, it's still bad etiquette and I would not be a happy bunny.
Murph's post got me thinking.

I was playing at Falmouth in the summer whillst on holiday.I pushed one of my tee shots right onto the adjoining fairway with an elderley mixed 2 ball walking towards the spot where my ball was about to land.
I did not shout fore as I knew the ball would land about 100 yards short of where they were standing, but as the ball landed It kicked and I was surprised at the amount of run it gained,the course was bone dry.
It finished about 10 yards short of Lord and Lady Falmouth and needless to say I got a gobfull of abuse of him while she was looking at me like something she'd just stood in.
I Retorted with a couple of expletives and some Mancunian wit.
I knew upon making the shot 100% that they where not in any danger, and the ball trickled towards them.

Where do you draw the line. do you shout fore out of courtesy if the ball is going to finish close to anyone on the course. even if you know they are not in danger.Or only if you think theres a chance it may hit them?

I usually shout after any stray shot but on this occasion the amount of run took me by surprise.
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If they are far enough away that they might get a clack round the ankle, they probably won't hear a shout anyway. Heck, you can always lie.
Fragger, I heard rumours that imurg dropped him a crisp £20 in order to take you out hoping it would speed up play

But possibly true.

The big girl's blouse - the ball didn't even part what little hair he has left on his head!

Seriously though I gave a sharp intake of breath when I heard the ball thud.
Definitely out of order on two counts, cutting in and according to Ian not hitting you. Sorry I meant to say playing while you were in range. If you were in view then it makes it harder to understand. I've been hit before first bounce and then straight into me and it hurts. The guy came up (sauntered I think is the correct term) and started giving all the "didn't think I could reach rubbish" I told him that if he wasn't sure he should have waited. Something like that anyway but with a few anglo saxon words to emphasise my annoyance. He tried to make some half hearted apology afterwards but I pretty much outed him to all the regular faces as a ne'er do well with bad ettiqutte, lack of humility and a bit of an ass.