My Swing


Head Pro
Oct 15, 2012
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Hi, Here is a few videos of my swing. I struggle with a hook, and have been working on it with my Pro but am push fading it now. From other videos I took that day, I think my club face is very open at impact - causing the push.? Prone to an old hosel rocket too. At the start my last lesson, I was 10* from the inside and my face was square to target, and 10* closed to path.

Any Advice much appreciated. Thanks[video=youtube_share;bvYteFZnRqY][/video]
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Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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hey Matty got some good stuff going on

good luck on the journey to being a PGA Pro

appreciate the pace of improvement can get a deal frustrating at times as it seems real slow or 2 steps forwards 3 back sometimes - but keep it goin

you able to take regular lesson sessions say once every 3 or 4 weeks?

if so what you been working on in the lesson patterns?


Head Pro
Oct 15, 2012
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hey Matty got some good stuff going on

good luck on the journey to being a PGA Pro

appreciate the pace of improvement can get a deal frustrating at times as it seems real slow or 2 steps forwards 3 back sometimes - but keep it goin

you able to take regular lesson sessions say once every 3 or 4 weeks?

if so what you been working on in the lesson patterns?
Thanks for the reply!

I started working with my coach in January. My swing was very 'steep'(high at the top) and way from the inside, with the face shut to that path. Then come back 2,3 weeks later and I was too flat at the top and still way from the inside. And been working on getting path nearer to 2-3* from the inside, rather than the 10 I was earlier!

Also changed my grip earlier in the year!

I've gone through patches where I've hit the ball great, but we're still struggling for consistency!


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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I can see why you are inconsistent.
All 3 swings are quite different, the last being the best.
Did you use to have a big drop at the top of the backswing?


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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I wonder if your big drop was a reaction to your high back swing or vice versa.
Just keep working on your drills and if you can, work on a balanced finish.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Thanks for the reply!

I started working with my coach in January. My swing was very 'steep'(high at the top) and way from the inside, with the face shut to that path. Then come back 2,3 weeks later and I was too flat at the top and still way from the inside. And been working on getting path nearer to 2-3* from the inside, rather than the 10 I was earlier!

Also changed my grip earlier in the year!

I've gone through patches where I've hit the ball great, but we're still struggling for consistency!

for sure bringing down the path º's to a smaller number will start to help a more manageable shot outcomes
start to help by making the not so good swings not so punishing a miss with that working to a more stable face angle through strike

keep working with your Pro
have you told him of your long term goals, which are presumably to get on a PGA degree course? he'll be able to help by outlining how you need to go around that in terms of preparation (that's if you don't already know that is)
the qualifying information would be on the PGA's website or a route from there to find it

with your lessons & practice do you keep a workbook?
even if you get video to take away from the launch monitor lessons it's still real easy to forget the spoken detail (unless that is you get the video lessons through by email with your Pro's notes & voice over recorded remarks

if that doesn't happen a decent notebook that straightways after a lesson you can write the stuff down
same is true of practice sessions you can outline how stuff went what went good, what went not so good & how - in terms of contact & ball flight - so you have already down a bunch of details & probably questions to ask at the next lesson

through the off season now with the range work get yourself (if you haven't some alignment sticks) so you always work to a target & have a check for that & your alignments - plus you need the sticks as a reference point to see on video after for yourself & your Pro, one on toe line one on the 'away' ball side (parallel to target line) have that stick just an inch or so from the ball - that ways it will help you to see the more neutral club head path to & through impact so you don't clatter or touch the sticks

if that gets a ways easy make a tram-line with the 2 sticks (ball inbetween them) that's just say at first an inch wider than your 6i (8i, whatever) gives you more of a feeling of the path into & exiting the strike - without touching either - as you get better at not clattering the sticks bring them closer to the 'toe & heel' to give you less room to swing through

as well as path, strike consistency is about face angle plus AoA - so sure you'll be working with your Pro to keep a steadier vertical height plus no great deal of lateral slide - so a 'feeling' of staying level & centered through the swing

don't forget any 'drop' you see in Tour Pro's actions are not them purposely trying to 'drop' but an action that's a by-product of the weight pressure transfer into the ground - Rory isn't trying to 'drop' height
look to Tiger's recent woes to see how a big 'drop' + 'big lateral move' to target has most times meant he's trying to rescue strike - with the results of often times not being able to so hitting way off target left one time then way off target right another along with 'fat' contacts

good luck with it all - keep going - keep up the lessons & practice
if you think I can help you with anything on general stuff you can Pm me no problem
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Head Pro
Oct 15, 2012
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for sure bringing down the path º's to a smaller number will start to help a more manageable shot outcomes
start to help by making the not so good swings not so punishing a miss with that working to a more stable face angle through strike

keep working with your Pro
have you told him of your long term goals, which are presumably to get on a PGA degree course? he'll be able to help by outlining how you need to go around that in terms of preparation (that's if you don't already know that is)
the qualifying information would be on the PGA's website or a route from there to find it

with your lessons & practice do you keep a workbook?
even if you get video to take away from the launch monitor lessons it's still real easy to forget the spoken detail (unless that is you get the video lessons through by email with your Pro's notes & voice over recorded remarks

if that doesn't happen a decent notebook that straightways after a lesson you can write the stuff down
same is true of practice sessions you can outline how stuff went what went good, what went not so good & how - in terms of contact & ball flight - so you have already down a bunch of details & probably questions to ask at the next lesson

through the off season now with the range work get yourself (if you haven't some alignment sticks) so you always work to a target & have a check for that & your alignments - plus you need the sticks as a reference point to see on video after for yourself & your Pro, one on toe line one on the 'away' ball side (parallel to target line) have that stick just an inch or so from the ball - that ways it will help you to see the more neutral club head path to & through impact so you don't clatter or touch the sticks

if that gets a ways easy make a tram-line with the 2 sticks (ball inbetween them) that's just say at first an inch wider than your 6i (8i, whatever) gives you more of a feeling of the path into & exiting the strike - without touching either - as you get better at not clattering the sticks bring them closer to the 'toe & heel' to give you less room to swing through

as well as path, strike consistency is about face angle plus AoA - so sure you'll be working with your Pro to keep a steadier vertical height plus no great deal of lateral slide - so a 'feeling' of staying level & centered through the swing

don't forget any 'drop' you see in Tour Pro's actions are not them purposely trying to 'drop' but an action that's a by-product of the weight pressure transfer into the ground - Rory isn't trying to 'drop' height
look to Tiger's recent woes to see how a big 'drop' + 'big lateral move' to target has most times meant he's trying to rescue strike - with the results of often times not being able to so hitting way off target left one time then way off target right another along with 'fat' contacts

good luck with it all - keep going - keep up the lessons & practice
if you think I can help you with anything on general stuff you can Pm me no problem

Thanks for the detailed post! I've sent you a PM ( can't seem to find out if it sent though!!!)

Thanks, Matthew