My swing


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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My first lesson was about a month ago, pro wanted me to work on posture and getting more solid on my shot as before I was too relaxed at address.

that's amazing. must be just natural to swing like that. I went for 1 lesson and we didn't get past the grip. I never went back :eek:


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Your swing looks very natural so although it isn't text book, I wouldn't mess about with it too much.
Try and play with better players and watch the way they get round the course (course management) and compare their short game to yours.
If you do have another lesson, ask your pro to check your footwork.


Head Pro
Apr 3, 2012
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Your swing looks very natural so although it isn't text book, I wouldn't mess about with it too much.
Try and play with better players and watch the way they get round the course (course management) and compare their short game to yours.
If you do have another lesson, ask your pro to check your footwork.

Thanks for advice bob, what is wrong with my footwork? Apart from the slip


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Would love to thank you

Ok, your takeaway looks OK up until the point where your club shaft is parallel to the ground but then your right elbow begins to bend a little too early and you lose your width (which then gets your position at the top a bit deep and your left arm too much across your chest and narrow). As you lose that width when the elbow bends your right hand gets too much UNDER the club taking it too much behind you and flat, from that point on your club is out out of position and you'll have to compensate somewhere.

Your right elbow needs to stay 'more straight' for 'more longer' so that your wrists can hinge the club more UP onto a better plane... I drew a red line one where you should be.... then found a nice pic to compare your position to (you're on the YELLOW line)


If you fix that you will have less work to do with the arms on the way down (less timing involved) and then you can swing more consistently and faster... if you want.

There are other bits but they are indirectly related to the fact that the club is out of position a little. You don't have to get it EXACTLY to where it is in that pic... but the closer the better. You need more width, less elbow bend, more upwards hinge, left arm less across the chest, so then your right elbow won't end up quite so far behind your body at the top of your swing..... your hands should feel like they are a little bit more 'reached' to the right and not behind you (width not depth).