My Swing


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
You have the classic 'over the top move' in your downswing, the one where your shoulders just fly open to the left bringing the club very much across the ball. The takeaway doesn't really help as you're taking the club a little 'away' from you (and then up) with your hands rather than 'around' and then up.

Not bad... but not good ;)

You should be able to find plenty of stuff on Youtube to fix those things... ie, "correct takeaway" and "fix the over the top move".


Tour Rookie
Jun 12, 2012
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
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A very common swing among those new to the game.
I'm guessing a high left to right shape with the ocassional straight one left?

Thanks for the reply, but no that's not the shape. Although I can see why you think that due to the camera angle which exaggerates the swing. The flight is straight/neutral with no side spin on landing. The flight is average height.

Your input is appreciated, feel free to comment further.


Tour Rookie
Jun 12, 2012
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
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You have the classic 'over the top move' in your downswing, the one where your shoulders just fly open to the left bringing the club very much across the ball. The takeaway doesn't really help as you're taking the club a little 'away' from you (and then up) with your hands rather than 'around' and then up.

Thanks for the reply. Yes I do have an over the top move, but not as severe as it looks. I think the camera angle actually makes this look worse. The club doesn't come across the ball as much as you think as believe it or not the ball flight is straight/neutral and doesn't spin right on landing.

It's a shame I couldn't get the swing in slow motion because what I see happening is that I lay the club off to the left at the top with an open face. However on the way down I bring the club down more on plane with a correct face alignment. The problem seems to be that I roll my wrists at halfway back then correct it later on the way down.

I'm really interested in your view of the takeaway, as again I think this is distorted by the camera angle. What I'm trying to do as I take the club away is to keep the club head outside the hands. I've looked on you tube and what I see is that the takeaway starts with the torso and sternum/breastbone which then ensures you keep the clubhead outside the hands. In terms of lifting the club I was told by the last pro that I saw that I need to dip my left shoulder down more to the ground, as I turn which will bring the club more upright and not so flat. Indeed our friend Mark Crossfield says on a video that on turning the idea is to feel like your turning down and that the weight is on the inside of the right ankle.

I very much appreciate your input and am not arguing that you are wrong, it's just that I want to ensure I get things right and am working on the right things.

Please feel free to comment further.


Tour Rookie
Jun 30, 2010
Rochester (Kent)
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I say the camera angle has nothing to do with it and the takeaway is on the wrong path as the club head is behind the hands. Iv slowed it down and I would say you seem to come down slightly over the top and have you hands and arms very high up in the follow through.

Does that sound correct just one and bobmac

Sould be like the third picture of tiger In This link
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Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
I'm really interested in your view of the takeaway, as again I think this is distorted by the camera angle.

It could well be, I've looked at it a few times and the camera being so low to the ground definitely distorts things, it does look like your hand path should/could be more inwards though.... probably best if you get a video from a more appropriate height as I wouldn't want to spook you unnecessarily :thup:

Again, you say your OTT isn't severe... it's hard to tell exactly what it's like from that low viewing angle because even trying to allow for my brain to see things in 3D from a 'proper height' this one looks like it's way too steep...



Nov 16, 2011
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Could be an issue with SwingReader - and/or camera angle.

Pretty 'tough' environment, rather like indoor tennis on TV - check the 'parallel' sidelines!

There was another SwingReader vid recently that seemed to have a similar distortion - MilesOverPar?


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Thanks for the reply, but no that's not the shape. Although I can see why you think that due to the camera angle which exaggerates the swing. The flight is straight/neutral with no side spin on landing. The flight is average height.

Your input is appreciated, feel free to comment further.

If there's no left to right spin in the air, you must have the club face open at impact quite a lot which is difficult to do with a closed club face at the top of the swing.
If you compare the 2 downswing pictures below, I would try and get your club shaft pointing more like Rorys
