My swing.


Tour Rookie
Jun 30, 2010
Rochester (Kent)
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Ci can't see the ball but I'm guessing you sliced it ? Looks like your standing way to far back from the ball and your having to stretch your arms out way to far. Someone told me once in your posture then just let your arms dangle down freely like a gorila and your rigth hand should be able to get in its grip position without moving you rigth arm. Also your coming over the top ( out to in ) just slow it down and find your tempo. On the down swing the head off the club should be in line with the outside of your bum so take some practice swing and stop on the downswing at waist height and check if the club is in his position.


Nov 16, 2011
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Very brave of you! :clap:

Do seem to be having to reach a bit at set-up.
Seems a bit low (flat) and inside on the backswing.

Something that the camera may be exaggerating is the gap between your knees. Both knees seem to move more than 'desirable' but the gap between them also seems much wider than optimum too. This makes weight transfer difficult and has balance implications as well. Half or 3/4 swings with feet together, still moving hops, then gradually moving apart may help that.

Major concern though is the 'over the top' move - particularly shown in the vid with the hybrid. By way of reference (only) your arms actually moves from back of shirt collar to about chin level - about 6 inches or so - with little other movement. Better to let the club drop onto the downswing plane, co-ordinated with a hip slide/turn - that'll get the in-to-out action wanted. The drill involving dropping may help there.

Driver swing exhibits similar, just toned down a bit.

Bob's headcover drill could be applicable too.


Tour Winner
May 17, 2011
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I never even noticed those railings. TBH I think the video makes them more prominent than they actually are.

As for the right knee. hmm I've been very conscious of my left knee but never once gave consideration to the right.

I've had an injury to my left knee and I always feel like I'm trying to protect it by letting it collapse.


Tour Rookie
Jun 30, 2010
Rochester (Kent)
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I never even noticed those railings. TBH I think the video makes them more prominent than they actually are.

As for the right knee. hmm I've been very conscious of my left knee but never once gave consideration to the right.

I've had an injury to my left knee and I always feel like I'm trying to protect it by letting it collapse.

I had the same problem with my right knee moving to freeley but by just praticing upper body rotation with your arms touching the opposite sholder and then you can watch what your rigth knee does and then video yourself down the range again and then compare it to the luke donald swing also notice donalds club head position in the down swing and also compare that to yours.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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I concur with the previous comments. Your hands are too far away making you reach for the ball. You are coming down very steep and cutting across the ball out-to-in which probably causes a slice.

You need to learn how to get the club dropping down onto a shallower plane in the downswing so that you can strike the ball on an inside path.


Money List Winner
May 4, 2010
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I never even noticed those railings. TBH I think the video makes them more prominent than they actually are.

As for the right knee. hmm I've been very conscious of my left knee but never once gave consideration to the right.

I've had an injury to my left knee and I always feel like I'm trying to protect it by letting it collapse.

Told you about the knees didn't I Elvis? ;)

Having played with you a few times you are more than capable of parring or birdieing holes. But at the same time are capable of taking a ten as for me you slash at the ball trying to hit it further which I think causes a few of your problems. Get it sorted for Friday ;)


Tour Rookie
Jun 30, 2010
Rochester (Kent)
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Quite dangerous if you thin a ball!

I concur with the previous comments. Your hands are too far away making you reach for the ball. You are coming down very steep and cutting across the ball out-to-in which probably causes a slice.

You need to learn how to get the club dropping down onto a shallower plane in the downswing so that you can strike the ball on an inside path.

I find it so much easier to find the inside line by working hard on sliding the hips forward in the downswing but if you struggle with that then another good guide is to pull your right elbow in towards your right hip to trigger your down swing.

Sorry for all the blabbing but hope it helps. Good luck


Tour Winner
May 17, 2011
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Told you about the knees didn't I Elvis? ;)

Having played with you a few times you are more than capable of parring or birdieing holes. But at the same time are capable of taking a ten as for me you slash at the ball trying to hit it further which I think causes a few of your problems. Get it sorted for Friday ;)

Yes you did :mad: although I believe the par three were you mentioned it is were I got a 2. I think part of the issue is that when changing a swing you have to accept the fact you'll get worse before you get better. When playing off 22 (and rarely playing to it) it's hard to accept getting worse especially when you can get the odd bird with your dodgy swing.


Money List Winner
May 4, 2010
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Yes you did :mad: although I believe the par three were you mentioned it is were I got a 2. I think part of the issue is that when changing a swing you have to accept the fact you'll get worse before you get better. When playing off 22 (and rarely playing to it) it's hard to accept getting worse especially when you can get the odd bird with your dodgy swing.

Tell me about it I am off for a lesson tomorrow. Should make Friday interesting wanna play for money :mad:


Watch how far your head is travelling during the whole swing - miles. Way too much movement which you'll need to get on top of for any consistency.
You need to get some coaching as there's quite a lot to sort out imo.


Nov 16, 2011
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I find it so much easier to find the inside line by working hard on sliding the hips forward in the downswing but if you struggle with that then another good guide is to pull your right elbow in towards your right hip to trigger your down swing.
Saw/experienced a training aid that combines this - getting the feel of the hip slide before (too much) am action. Training club with bent shaft and an attachment that sits on shoulders. Idea is to feel the hip movement while keeping the device on the shoulder. Elbows can/should drop to about hip level before it does.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Ok after the initial fear of putting my swing online I have been talked into it. In the interest of actually trying to get help I think a dedicated thread here will help most.

Starting with the driver.

24* Hybrid

48* wedge

Thanks guys.

What do you see?
Does it make you instantly want to fix something yourself? (and can you?)


Tour Winner
May 17, 2011
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Let me see now. Head up and down like a yoyo. Want to fix. From the other discussion I think the right knee issue might help so may possibly sort that one out myself if I keep videoing and review.

Shallow take away and a steep over the top downswing with a cast. No idea what to do there lol,

Problem. I'm getting married this year so lessons are going to be at a premium until after May.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
I'll just post one pic.... your hands are very much in front of you... can you consider swinging the same as you are now but closer to the red line?

Make a slow halfway downswing and see/feel where your arms are going to, then make sure your left arm stays far enough back from the target line to get the club shaft closer to the red line.

[click pic to enlarge...]


I don't really see any issues in your backswing that you need to worry about right now. Right hand grip looks a little strong which isn't going to help you as it'll either shut the clubface (if you swing nicely) or force you to keep it open (a compensation move).
Last edited:


Tour Winner
May 17, 2011
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I'll just post one pic.... your hands are very much in front of you... can you consider swinging the same as you are now but closer to the red line?

Make a slow halfway downswing and see/feel where your arms are going to, then make sure your left arm stays far enough back from the target line to get the club shaft closer to the red line.

[click pic to enlarge...]

View attachment 4103

I don't really see any issues in your backswing that you need to worry about right now. Right hand grip looks a little strong which isn't going to help you as it'll either shut the clubface (if you swing nicely) or force you to keep it open (a compensation move).

Thanks. Will hit the bays at my course tomorrow of the weather is better and my session at the chiropractor doesn't stop me. My right handdoes tend to grip strong. When I try a more neutral grip I usually end up drifting to a stronger one as I haven't spent enough time working on it to make it feel right. Also find it most on irons when I lean the shaft.