My swing - Tips please


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Sounds like you are progressing well with your golf, keep up the hard work and I am sure you will see your handicap fall.

I can see a couple of things that you could work on to improve your ball striking. They are both things that most golfers get problems with as they seem intuitive but create poor ball impact.

The first is a steep swing plane, you take the club back on a steep angle and also return it the same way. If you stop your video while you are swinging around half way down and take a line pointing down your clubshaft it should be aiming along an imaginary line that runs from the target, through the ball and extends behind you. Your shaft is pointing well inside this line making it steep, to get the ball from here you can only swing the club across your body from out to in and stand up out the shot, this is stopping you making solid impact as you cut across the ball.

Secondly you are allowing your wrists to swat or flipp into impact, this shortens your swing arc losing power and will create either high ball flight that lacks distance or create fat and thinned shots. Try to keep the clubhead behind your hands into impact, maintaining a bend in your left wrist (being left handed) into impact can assist with this.

Once again, well done on the progress so far. I hope this post helps you, if anything I have suggested is not clear then please ask and I will try to explain.