My swing - latest video


Challenge Tour Pro
Sep 11, 2011
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Well it's been a while since I posted my swing, but here's where we're at these days. Still a bit of early extension going on, but I'm hitting the ball much better than I used to so I may just work with it over winter.


Money List Winner
Nov 30, 2010
St. Andish
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That range looks familiar.. It's where most of my wage goes, along with eBay obviously... :D

Sorry I can't be of help with the swing. I find it best not to get involved with anything too technical.. My tiny manbrain can't cope..


Tour Winner
Aug 1, 2014
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That range looks familiar.. It's where most of my wage goes, along with eBay obviously... :D.

Haha I thought the exact same. I was there last night hitting balls down.

Notice you're a member at Eccleston as well Ian. I've just joined there. We'll have to go for a game :thup:


Money List Winner
Nov 30, 2010
St. Andish
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Haha I thought the exact same. I was there last night hitting balls down.

Notice you're a member at Eccleston as well Ian. I've just joined there. We'll have to go for a game :thup:

Sorry for taking the thread slightly off track, but keep an eye out for Podgster and Peterlav who are also members there.. I've played at EP a few times and really enjoyed it..


Tour Winner
Aug 1, 2014
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Already been chatting to Steve (Podgster) and hopefully having a game on Saturday if he's available. It's a lovely course. For the price it's superb, much better than the place I played at down in London before moving up here. Really enjoying it so far!


Challenge Tour Pro
Sep 11, 2011
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Bit of an Eccleston Park massive going on here - we'll be able to take on the Lee Park lot soon if we get a few more recruits.

Yep, Clarkes and Sherdley Park range are my two locals that take all my money over winter.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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you got a pretty decent swing motion going on so you doing a bunch of good stuff for sure
here’s just couple of notions just around kinda simple fine tuning of what’s happens at set-up

so maybes worth giving some thoughts to & so to get some more 'bang of your buck’ & reasonably simply towards some better & perhaps little ways more consistent shot outcomes would be in what’s happening at set-up & posture.
(can only speak to this dtl viewpoint so not about ball position or where the sternum is in relation to this)

things that strike me which may have some bearing on the motion that follows the present set-up posture

if you take a closer look at posture here you can see a tad more forwards spine lean & less of an angle thigh to shin
this could well be putting some weight forwards to the toe line plus takes the head (pretty heavy part of us) little ways over towards the ball target line

then through motion of the downswing with the hands/arms & club swinging out in front of the body it will tend to want to pull the weight again some further forwards towards the toes

plus the posture is starting with chest & head little ways lower down to ground then when the downswing motion starts with the natural vertical height lowering that happens through a decent swing motion like you have here
it then puts upper body head kinda too low as you approach impact which in turn then naturally leads to the opposite movement of the spine & pelvic posture having straighten up some through the strike

here’s an image of a tour pro (LD) with the forwards spine posture not so great
then how the arms hang not so directly vertical, a little ways more knee flex so little more leg angle which then plays into where the hands are in relation to the chin
where the head is in relation to how far over to the ball target line
(little ways different viewing angle but the difference still holds true)
you can also see how LD’s weight pressure at set-up is very much through the center of the feet, through the laces

(should you decide to have a look at this is practice, take care it doesn’t at set-up go to the opposite of spine too upright & too much flex in the knees)

but a little ways change in set-up posture should help some in being able to stay in the strike a bunch better so pelvic angle & the spine doesn’t straighten up, so the impact conditions can be into the back of ball & through, against into the ball & coming up some through the strike



Tour Winner
May 16, 2011
South West Surrey
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Well it's been a while since I posted my swing, but here's where we're at these days. Still a bit of early extension going on, but I'm hitting the ball much better than I used to so I may just work with it over winter.

The Coach has you sorted. My one simple observation is that you take the club away outside the line, assuming your target line is straight down the middle. If the target line is leftish, judging by feet and where the ball went, then maybe OK.


Challenge Tour Pro
Sep 11, 2011
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Thanks coach. I'll definitely bear it in mind. If I'm understanding correctly, it's a slight change to bend my knee more and my back a little less. That should help stabilise me as I swing and cut down on a few unnecessary movements and shifts which can lead to inconsistent shots if I don't balance them all out correctly?


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Thanks coach. I'll definitely bear it in mind. If I'm understanding correctly, it's a slight change to bend my knee more and my back a little less. That should help stabilise me as I swing and cut down on a few unnecessary movements and shifts which can lead to inconsistent shots if I don't balance them all out correctly?

yep that's pretty much the drift of it - but golf is a goldilocks game so just be aware you don't drift to the opposite which would be knees real bent with spine too upright

thing to look at is the forwards spine lean which is a little ways too much which will make the balance points ways too much towards the toes which will affect the swing path through the motion as the brain tries to balance out the inbalance - don't really want knee bend as such at set-up just little knee flex so thing to do is get the forward lean a little less that would be the ways to approach it - then from a straight legs conditions the knees just 'unlock' to flex rather than bend

good forward spine angle has the hands aprrox vertically under the chin when the upper arms are still in light contact with the chest wall so that gives an approx palms width between handle and thighs with the weight through the center of the feet

{along with this if looking from face on the trail shoulder will be with irons just a tad lower than the lead shoulder (with a driver the trail shoulder will be lower again with more of a secondary spine tilt to the trailside - & back with the wedges the shoulders will almost be horizontal to the ground - as they would with chips. small pitches}

this vid shows a pretty useful check point for all full shots (with driver hands will tend to be just a tad further from the body but upper arms still should have a light contact with the chest walls) - having the club hanging vertically from the back of the arm (triceps) going through front of the knee so if extended down would go through the center of the feet line
notice when he takes his address where the hands are in relation to the chin & the eyeline is not as far out towards the ball/target line

if you control distance to the ball by controlling the space between the handle and the thighs along with the hands being approx falling under the chin it should be a ways easier to get good balanced set-up (with wedges hands will be a touch nearer the thighs with a driver the hands will be a touch further away, with chips smaller pitches when hands choked down on the handle, hands will be a tad closer to the thighs again)
