My swing, any advice appreciated


Journeyman Pro
Mar 25, 2011
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Well I finally plucked up the courage to take a few swing videos and post them here, I enjoy watching others so why not eh? I am acutely aware that my swing looks flat (I have a natural draw that manifests as a hideous duck-hook when I'm off tempo). I also have a habit of not completing the backswing, a lot of the time my 7 iron swing looks like a 3/4 swing when I think in my head its full. In my minds eye the club is horizontal at the top, when I watch it back it can be vertical! Crazy stuff.

Have a watch and any observations, tips, drills or comments about my socks will be greatly appreciated (the field I took the 7 iron video is destroyed as you can see, hence the natty plus 1.4s).

Driver down the line

Barriers at the range meant I couldn't get one side on properly but I have a couple of rubbish ones if its important.

7 iron down the line

7 iron side on


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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I'd work on your set up.

Photo1rory 34.jpg
Click to enlarge

Notice how your arms are pulled into your body rather than hanging straight down or even away a fraction. Compared with Rory it's quite noticable.
And the other change I'd make is to your weight distribution. It looks as if your weight is very much in your toes.


Journeyman Pro
Mar 25, 2011
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Thanks JustOne, Mozza, interesting Region3 I assumed I wasn't turning enough but maybe it is wrist hinge, this time last year I found out about lag/casting and set about trying to build some in, maybe I don't hinge enough... Interesting.

Thanks Bob, funny I worried that on initiating the back swing I move my hands out a fraction and that they were too far! Turns out not far enough, gas! The weight on the toes thing is spot on but that's where I thought it should be, I remember reading you have to be on the balls of your feet and that if you couldn't jump straight upwards from your stance you weren't in an athletic enough position - is that a load of old cobblers then? How about the flat plane is there any way of steepening it other than reaching higher?!

Thanks as always!


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Do you hit many 'Shermans" ? I notice the way you kick out your right knee towards the ball in the downswing, this gets your right hip in the way of your arms and forces you to swing in to out. This is probably the cause of your 'Duck Hook'

You should try to kick the right knee more towards the left knee and instead of lifting up on the toes of the right foot early on, try rolling onto the inside of the foot. Make an image that you have a pair of cymbals on the inside of each knee and in the downswing you want to clang them together. This will create more room for your arms to swing through.

Dont be too concerned with your flat plane if it works for you. If you want to steepen it then keep the clubhead outside your hands for longer in the takeaway.


Tour Winner
Jul 1, 2009
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Nice rhythm and tempo. Backswing length is perfect IMO.

A little OTT with the 7I down the line view, and a touch of sway with the 7I face on view. But overall a very tidy swing:thup:


Journeyman Pro
Mar 25, 2011
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Thanks Socket, I know Im tempting the Gods here but I never shank. Cant remember ever doing it! Maybe once at a range, so no thats not a concern. I like the rolling the right foot thing though, thats nice, will definitely try that.

Cheers sawtooth, Ive been consciously trying to lengthen the swing but maybe I've been silly to try to do that! Other more important things to work on by the sounds of it, nice one.


Journeyman Pro
Mar 25, 2011
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Thanks to all who commented, just hit some beauties with my updated swing. Concentrating on a higher plane (it feels as if I'm reaching for the sky, but its not even that much higher!), Bobs set up advise (hands a bit further away, weight as much not on toes) and SocketRockets "rolling the right foot" mean I'm making better contact than ever and more importantly my bad ones aren't as bad. Early days but excited to try this out for real at the weekend. Free lessons, what a magic forum :lol:
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Journeyman Pro
Mar 25, 2011
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So did I!

Na I'm not that bad, not sure if its rabbits of moles, field is destroyed but it's only left grow wild anyway, the boss mows it down start of winter and it stays playable until spring. Then it goes wild and you couldn't find a ball out there for love nor money. As you can imagine its a great facility to have in your (works) back yard, I nip out at lunch time and could honestly stay out there all day :)