My stack and tilt swing...........


Tour Rookie
Aug 6, 2007
Croydon, Surrey
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Cheers for posting this JO - I find any golf swing theory very interesting. Anyone who writes off any theory IMO is possibly doing themselves out of a method, that may just work for them.

My guess at you HCP would have been anything from +1 to 12 (as there are so many more parts to this game than just a swing, but I would have headed towards the middle of these, so would have been on the money).

We have alot in common it appears - both been lower than we are now. We can both hit the ball well enough to score better than our current HCPs suggest, but other parts of our games are not sharp enough to do so.

Would enjoy a knock or a trip to the range with you when it warms up.

Thanks for the posting once again.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
No worries Mattyboy. :)

I changed through natural progression, I used to have a 2 plane swing and load into my right side however when push came to shove and I needed to kill a long iron I'd often fire my hips and leave my hands trailing ½hr behind thereby having a thin divot that started sometimes 6" behind the ball. It was also very inconsistent, if I didn't practice all the time I'd lose it completely, I wanted a swing that relied less on timing so I could walk away from the game for a week or two and not turn back into a 28 h/capper. That's when I started reading about 'covering the ball' with the upper center and started to read the geometry of centered and S&T swings. From there it was a no brainer, I was busy trying to hit it like a gliding ballet dancer when rugby player would produce better results.

If I could pick any swing and say that it was mine I'd really love to have this one....


Wouldn't mind having a knock or practice ground/range anytime..... just PM me.