My games falling apart


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Jul 12, 2022
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I think I’ve said before I sometimes struggle with driver hitting it low on face and getting pretty much no launch but it’s started being low and toe now and it’s creeping into my old trusty 3 wood. The 3 wood was my get out of jail free club when driver was bad but now there both bad, low and toe.
Old pro said I was pulling my arms in at impact I was sure he was incorrect so went to a new pro and had everything videoed, sure enough I don’t pull in at all but I sway away from the ball so can’t quite get back to the ball.
Pro gave me a drill that’s easy to do and on practice swings it all looking perfect on camera it’s just as soon as that little ball appears it goes to pot.
Anyone had similar problems and how did you fix it? It’s killing my game at the moment. I’ve went to a hybrid off the tee past few games and that’s not long enough on long par4s


Assistant Pro
Jun 17, 2013
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I don’t know if it’s the same thing, but I struggled with getting height on my drives. I was hitting the ball quite hard but it wasn’t getting much above 10-15 feet.

Something I tried which helped was John Rahm’s trick. At address, position the ball forward in your stance as usual, but put the club head further back, 3-4 inches, encourages you to hit up on it better. I found it helped me and I no longer need to do it, get decent height on my drives, generally.


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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I’ve never had the same grip/stance/swing for month after month after month but use what works that day but I found myself toeing a lot of shots recently, the quick fix of addressing the ball closer to the heel worked for a bit but obviously strike wasn’t really repeatable

Only this morning at the range I realised I was standing a smidge too far away, a dash too bent over, arms a touch too far out in front & stance a tad too wide… and that was just my posture issues, so not much to fix 😊

Luckily, while still a bit alien, the changes produced decent shots (at least on range) just need to convince the head to use that posture when on the course

Hopefully it’ll see me through this weekends comp before something else goes awry


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Important to check basics including ball position and distance from the ball. Bound to be a very small set up issue but also will be a trust issue now and trying to make sure of the shot and steering or not committing
100% certain that this is the root of most of my mishits with longer irons - for me that’s 5 and 6 🙄


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2024
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Very inconsistent of the tee, 3 wood stepped in and was great, but couldn’t hit it off the deck.

3 wood now on naughty step so got a mini driver to try, Driver now behaving😂😂

Sometimes I’ve thought I should buy a box of provisionals off the pro and see if they work as well as a first tee shot as they do the third.😉


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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My game's fallen apart...slowly recovering but very fragile right now...
All parts can be good, bad or indifferent..sometimes on the same hole.....
Fairway woods have been a problem for years...
I find one I can hit off the deck but not off the tee, so e are great off the tee but useless from the deck.....
It's a stupid game
It's always been a stupid game
It will always be a stupid game.....


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2018
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I think I’ve said before I sometimes struggle with driver hitting it low on face and getting pretty much no launch but it’s started being low and toe now and it’s creeping into my old trusty 3 wood. The 3 wood was my get out of jail free club when driver was bad but now there both bad, low and toe.
Old pro said I was pulling my arms in at impact I was sure he was incorrect so went to a new pro and had everything videoed, sure enough I don’t pull in at all but I sway away from the ball so can’t quite get back to the ball.
Pro gave me a drill that’s easy to do and on practice swings it all looking perfect on camera it’s just as soon as that little ball appears it goes to pot.
Anyone had similar problems and how did you fix it? It’s killing my game at the moment. I’ve went to a hybrid off the tee past few games and that’s not long enough on long par4s
When I feel like I'm swaying off the ball my go to "feel" is to try and almost pull my right bum cheek over to where the left one was at the start of the swing by the time I get to the top of my backswing. When I started doing it I was thinking "this is stack and tilt and everyone says that sucks" but it's actually nothing like it.

I'm probably doing a crap explanation of it, so watch this instead. He talks about "rotating into the hip".


3 jabber

Jul 12, 2024
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A common cause is trying to hit the ball too hard causing you to smother the ball with an out to in swing path. Work on staying behind the ball at impact with the club traveling more on an in to out path.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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My game's fallen apart...slowly recovering but very fragile right now...
All parts can be good, bad or indifferent..sometimes on the same hole.....
Fairway woods have been a problem for years...
I find one I can hit off the deck but not off the tee, so e are great off the tee but useless from the deck.....
It's a stupid game
It's always been a stupid game
It will always be a stupid game.....
Played by stupid people. It's an easy game we make hard


Journeyman Pro
Feb 20, 2013
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Persist with the lessons or do what I have done for 10 yrs and followed my wife’s advice of “you know what’s wrong, fix it yourself “
By the way the latter isn’t working and I am currently punishing myself by not purchasing any golf items…


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Persist with the lessons or do what I have done for 10 yrs and followed my wife’s advice of “you know what’s wrong, fix it yourself “
By the way the latter isn’t working and I am currently punishing myself by not purchasing any golf items…
Even with lessons it takes work to bleed the changes in and doing the drills at the range. Always tough if someone doesn't have that much free time. I am very much working solo these days with my swing and its foibles


Journeyman Pro
Feb 20, 2013
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Even with lessons it takes work to bleed the changes in and doing the drills at the range. Always tough if someone doesn't have that much free time. I am very much working solo these days with my swing and its foibles
Yes I agree, I spend a lot of time working on stuff and to be honest it’s not really paying any dividends. May be having some one just to point out the key issue 5-10 minutes and then work on it .. when you have a whole list or waste 45-60minutes on 1 thing in a lesson it’s not worth it


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Yes I agree, I spend a lot of time working on stuff and to be honest it’s not really paying any dividends. May be having some one just to point out the key issue 5-10 minutes and then work on it .. when you have a whole list or waste 45-60minutes on 1 thing in a lesson it’s not worth it
I went to a very "out there" technique which few teach so I am reliant on the youtube the guy who pioneered it put out to keep me on the right path. Hasn't done me too badly but sometimes not as a good as it could be although it is the same with a more textbook swing


Active member
Jul 12, 2022
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I use orange tees so tee hight is fine. Ball position stance all that stuffs fine. I think it’s just a sway backwards and don’t get back.
It’s so frustrating on practice swings im in all the right positions.
When I do hit the ball I have a in to out swing path 100% of the time and hit up on the ball 100% of the time.
The pro said it should be a easy fix but im just not getting it.
It’s got to the point now I don’t even feel comfortable swinging my driver at full speed hitting a ball. I can go full out on a practice swing no problem.