Most forgiving driver M4 v g400max v Epic


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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If you are a 22 handicapper you should get a cheaper driver than the ones you mention and spend the savings on lessons to fix the slice. You see 2016 m2's going on ebay now for £150. Thats as good and forgiving a driver as anything that came out this year and with the £300 you save thats a half hour lesson every week for 2 months. No brainer.

New driver tech is overrated. I have a 910 d2 and a vapor pro. Both cost me £75 and go a long way straight.

This ^^^^^^^ all day long. The original M2 is a fantastic club and I doubt any other will be 5 yards better, it's easy to hit but you do need the right shaft and set up. Lessons are the way forward but you do need to buy into the changes, a slice is easily cured but you do need to put into play the various changes that will eradicate it and not simply return to old bad habits when results don't come quick enough