Masters Coverage

I'm not aware of another source other than BBCi or BBand streaming >BST1530. That isn't to say another stream doesn't exist somewhere out there...What about ESPN or ABC, etc.?
3.45 is the coverage worldwide, you won;t get an earlier.

Anyway Minty, start has been delayed so you won't miss much.
Isn't the BBCi coverage just amen corner?

May be 'just' isn't quite the right word, but is this true?
Yeah, but you've got to remember that's still something that Augusta have never allowed before. We're getting a good 5 hours more of some coverage than we're used to.
also ian poulter actually looks smart today as apposed to the usual stupid outfits he wears, i hope he doesn't wear something on days 2, 3, or 4 that make him look a mug.
It won't be on till the first group gets to Amen Corner so that could still be another 3/4 of an hour away. I'll be on the range by then. Sod it, just have to wait till 9 tonite....waited 361 days so far, another 4 hours isn't going to kill me....besides my Nike blades finally arrived today! Range time in 38 minutes and counting.