Luke Donald...what is going on?


Head Pro
Sep 18, 2006
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Is there some kind of disease that is only contagious between European golfers? Can't believe that Luke Donald blew another winning position at the weekend, he was 3 clear in the last round. Why can't Europeans close it out. They are clearly a bunch of seriously talented golfers and they should be wining all around the world but they consistently fail to close it out. Never goingt o win a Major if you can't close out regular Tour events.

Sidepoint but I did like Ian Poulter's reaction to finishing third, he said he was furious because he wanted to win whereas Luke said he was encouraged by his golf....maybe Poulter is the more likely to succeed int he end?


Tour Rookie
Oct 15, 2006
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At least he's won a couple of US Tour events although his four second-place finishes make you wonder about his ability to keep his nerve. It does seem to be a European disease these days.


I fear he could be the golfing equivalent of Timmy Henman -just a bit too middle class and nice, needs a bit of fire in the belly!
He needs to give up poncy painting and get down the gym to muscle up a bit - Tiger was built like him a few years ago but put in the gym hours and is now built like the proverbial brick sh**house!
Poulters attitude is great, it's just that he's a bit crap really.


Apr 30, 2007
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I think Andy Murray has a good attitude. He looks like he will win a major in tennis before any Brit does in golf. Some of you will disagree and say he's a bad looser. At the same time though it shows his desire and desperation to win.


Q-School Graduate
Dec 6, 2006
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I wouldn't call Andy Murray a Brit. He's a Scotsman who, when asked about other sports such as football, rugby and cricket, is reported to have said, quote, 'I don't care who wins as long as it's not England.'


Have you never heard of the Union of 1707?
Scotland is part of the UK so Andy Murray is a Brit. Celts were Britons (coming from the British Isles) long before you Anglo-saxons down south so he could rightly claim to be more of a Brit than you. The fact he doesn't care about English sports teams does not affect that status.
I'm sure you feel terrible every time Scotland lose at football or rugby or whatever, which is often...unfortunately!
I'm sure this is similar to Casey's anti-American tirade which was blown way out of proportion.


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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I was at wimbledon when Murray gave up against Nalbandian from 2 sets to love up. Not a good attitude that day, more like a spoilt child, which is what he is.


wouldn't disagree on the spoilt child comment, however he is improving quickly and hopefully maturing emotionally, he is still only 19 I think.
Give the kid a chance!
Anyway golf is what it's about, not tennis.


Q-School Graduate
Dec 6, 2006
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I know about the Union fo 1707 Birdieman, but the point I am making is that the be called a Brit you have to support Great Britain and it's component parts. As an Englishman, I would support Scotland or Wales against any other nation in a sporting event. Unfortunately it is not true of the Scots or the Welsh. Look at the recent 6 Nations Rugby. The Welsh played out of their skin to beat England, and that is all they want to do. The comentators were saying that it was a pity that they couldn't focus on beating the other four nations in the same way.

As for Tennis, when did that ever become a sport. Any activity that needs 8 line judges, an umpire and a referee to decide a point, is not a sport. Even with all those officials the players stil dispute a decision.


I agree tennis is a bit naff, all I can remember from my 1 season playing it as a youngster was continually wandering off to get the ball and endless arguments over line calls, no use if there are no ball boys or umpires.
Not sure about the Great Britain sports thing, it's all a bit vague and media driven to sell tickets and make people watch tv. I do back the English lads at golf, I like Casey, Howler etc and despite being a Scot I do not like Monty at all. Unfortunately he is the only half decent golfer we have up north. I also back England at cricket and I like to see any English sports team beat the Aussies, that's because the Ozzies are so up themselves. However I'm not enamoured by your football team, it's not the players, its the media crap we have to suffer every world cup etc going all the way back to quasi-racists like Jimmy Hill. Remember 2006, England were dire despite that team supposedly being the best for a generation according to the media. Worst case is Beckham - a good player but unfit in 2002 and past it in 2006 but still taken to World Cups because he's famous, that was media driven. The premiership makes people believe the England team should be really good but it's full of brilliant foreigners not English players. Your rugby team is fine now but there was a spell during the WillCarling/Brian Moore era when they were so arrogant that anyone wanted to beat them more than other teams. The little countries of the UK are outnumbered by the English at least 10 to 1 and were in some cases oppressed for centuries by them so it is good fun to hark back to history and occassionally beat your larger neighbour at sports, a bit of banter, nothing more than that. Thought the Irish people respected England brilliantly at the Croke Park match which had some serious English/Irish history behind it. Anyway enough rambling, I'm supposed to be at work!!!


Q-School Graduate
May 8, 2007
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I think Andy Murray has a good attitude. He looks like he will win a major in tennis before any Brit does in golf. Some of you will disagree and say he's a bad looser. At the same time though it shows his desire and desperation to win.
You're kidding. Justin Rose, Casey, Poulter or Donald are in with a chance. I bet Murray never wins a big one.