Unless he is a collector I would not spend more than £50 a bottle.
Four drinkers are better than one keeper.
Try a mixture of say, Aberlour Abundah [Sherry], 15 year old Ardbeg [peaty], 10 year old Talisker [Skye, my favourite] and a Glenkinchie 15 year old.[very smooth lowland 'ladies' whisky.]
I have a Bruichladdich Llinks Turnberry you can have for £60 + postage if you like [rare, now selling for around £100]
Only if you are over 18 though!!
Anything older than 25/30 years tends to be not so good and will only interest the collectors.
Lots of money being made by the serious collectors/sellers nowadays.
We used to have a good laugh at the 'London Bankers' who would buy a very old rare whisky and drink it.
Two/three fingers in a heavy wide tumbler and two cold rocks please... nowt else! :thup:
BTW, what do people prefer as mixers for Whiskey. I know a bit of tepid water is best, but water other options. I have found ginger ale can be interesting, as it does kick up the flavour rather than drown it like Coke.
As Whiskey is Irish or American, you can mix it with anything you like. Whisky on the other hand is Scottish and if you should want to add anything, then only water should be added.
Like your choices SGC, wish I was one of your friends as it's my birthday soon. You've influenced me enough to go and pour a glass of Oban that's easy to hand.![]()