

Feb 2, 2012
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I started playing about 2.5/3 years ago and have got down to a H/C of 17 (16.7).

I had 3 lessons when I first started and the pro changed a couple of minor things and I've been happily playing since.

Like everyone else I have good days and bad days, consistency seems to be my problem. It seems I either play well driving and short game and Long irons are rubbish or vice versa.

I just feel that at the moment I have probably reached that stage where I wont improve further without lessons. What puts me off though is that a mate has just had a lesson (4 rounds ago) and they have radically changed his swing and he is still struggling with it and hitting a LOT of duff shots which he would rarely do previously. I'm scared that if I go for lessons then the same may happen to me and if it does then I just get the hump and go back to how I know/play without giving it a fair chance. I'm going to try and play once a week over the winter but also have La Manga booked for April, obviously I want to be playing well when I go over there.

Do I go for it and hope I can play enough over the winter in case I have to adjust my swing or stick with what I know ?

Appreciate thoughts......


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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If you have lessons then do you have the time to put in some practise to get used to what the pro is teaching and changing in your swing. If you can commit to practising a few times a week after the lessons then go for it, if not then they are far less likely to be helpful and could even be destructive to your golf game.

Personally I only ever try and make anything more than minor swing changes when I know I can commit a chunk of time to practising 3 or 4 times a week


Feb 2, 2012
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Thanks for the reply.

Thats my main worry, working shifts and having a young family maybe means I wont have the time to fully commit at this stage. I want to try and play once a week but in reality with work and money it will prob be once a fortnight with the odd range trip thrown in.


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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As above.....

THink how long it takes a Pro like Harrington or Kaymer to make a change...They'll take a few weeks hitting hundreds of balls every day to get it into their routine.
You're likely to get worse until the change takes effect - but if you can't practice it then you may want to think about whether it's worth it.


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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Based on that I wouldnt look to make any major changes, just get out and play when you can and enjoy your golf. If you do decide to have a lesson, may be best explaining what practise time you to have to the pro so he doesnt make major changes that you wont have time to get used to, maybe 1 lesson just to check the fundamentals would be beneficial but would be wary of too much more than that


Feb 2, 2012
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Thanks for the replies.

I do want to improve but also I do enjoy my golf as I am, I'm fully capable of hitting the wedge to within 10 feet of the pin then topping my next tee shot :D

I do seem to have more time in the summer so maybe that would be my best bet, I certainly don't want to go to La Manga with a swing I have no confidence in.


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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For me I'd go the lesson route in the winter to try and bed in any changes before the season starts and then it's a matter of tweaking and maintenance unless something goes very pear-shaped!


Money List Winner
Apr 16, 2012
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If your worried about changing your swing why dont you just have some short game lessons? They will bring your scores down and you dont have to worry about changes before your big trip :cool:


Money List Winner
Aug 19, 2009
I've left my swing alone. A couple of pointers but said to my pro I didn't want to do a major overhaul. Instead I've focussed my lessons on short game. What I've found is that as my short game has got better I've been more relaxed with my long game. Still have concentration issues but it's much better. Have you thought about a series of lessons focussed on your short game?


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Personally over the winter I'd be looking at a few lessons and using the weekend to work on the drills and bed the changes in. Not only will you be done earlier (earning brownie points and spending more time with the family) but you can really see the changes. Maybe go out once or twice a month to see how the changes are holding up but don't have any expectations and just try and enjoy it.

If you can't make time to work on the changes then to be honest you won't get much benefit from the lessons. Either way there is plenty of time to get better before April.


Money List Winner
Sep 18, 2010
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A lesson every couple of months to just check the basics should be fine. Do that 3-4 times a year and you should be fine.

What usually happens is we play lots of golf, find we have a bad shot or shape, compensate but in doing so move away from good basics and fundamentals.

Top up your fundamentals without working on anything specific and you will be fine.


Money List Winner
Dec 3, 2010
Stevenage, Herts
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Personally over the winter I'd be looking at a few lessons and using the weekend to work on the drills and bed the changes in. Not only will you be done earlier (earning brownie points and spending more time with the family) but you can really see the changes. Maybe go out once or twice a month to see how the changes are holding up but don't have any expectations and just try and enjoy it.

If you can't make time to work on the changes then to be honest you won't get much benefit from the lessons. Either way there is plenty of time to get better before April.

that is sort of my plan Homer, lesson next month then alternate Sundays playing/practice with range twice a week every week.

I will be the S&T master ;)


Money List Winner
Mar 4, 2012
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i am currentlyin the middle of a course of lessons, my grip, stance, swing have all been changed,in last weeks lesson he did the swing, I went out the day after (thursday) afnd coudnt hit a drive, lost 6 balls and scored 11 points in a 12 hole stableford comp.
I have stuck at it and played or practiced every day since (only 5 days I grant you) and finally today I hit every fairway, played a matchplay game in the winter league and beat someone who has previously won every matchplay game she had played this year.
So if you have lessons you should stick at the changes, even though at the start you seem to be going backwards.


Feb 2, 2012
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i am currentlyin the middle of a course of lessons, my grip, stance, swing have all been changed,in last weeks lesson he did the swing, I went out the day after (thursday) afnd coudnt hit a drive, lost 6 balls and scored 11 points in a 12 hole stableford comp.
I have stuck at it and played or practiced every day since (only 5 days I grant you) and finally today I hit every fairway, played a matchplay game in the winter league and beat someone who has previously won every matchplay game she had played this year.
So if you have lessons you should stick at the changes, even though at the start you seem to be going backwards.

Thanks for all the replies.

Louise that sounds great and well done on the results. I know I will not have the time to put the changes in and stick with it before Spain in April. I think I have decided to get some short games lesson's and then come April/May time when I know I can play once or twice a week bite the bullet and have my swing looked at.