Lessons Paying Off...


Challenge Tour Pro
Aug 23, 2010
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I held off having lessons for a long time, too long really. On the advise on many here I found a good coach, and 4 lessons in I am really starting to see my game come together.

My posture is much better, I am controlling the club head much better, and yesterday we worked on my slice.

I measure my game on stats. I understand some players are feel players, well I am a stats player. I have yet to hit a birdie in any of my rounds (since I started playing seriously this past 2 years) other than the very first round. But, I am hitting more fairways, better GIR, lower scores and good putting average. I am also enjoying myself, despite me apparently getting bogged down in stats. :)

Now my biggest issue has been my slice, it has resulted in me having like a 40% FIR average, which generally resulted in me playing my second shot from the rough. So I have been massively aware that if I can get my drives on the fairway more, then I am going to get lower scores, and as a result - enjoy my game more.

Well my FIR is around 40%, and I know its because of my out to in swing, and club head control at impact is far too open.

The lesson opened my eyes, I had the big lightbulb moment, and became more aware of my swing and how the consequences of that swing caused the ball to fly right. Basically my swing was becoming disconnected on the take away, and I was raising my arms too high, nothing was in sync, left leg was raising too much, and it was more of a chopping motion. It seems so obvious to me now, but having that clarity restored is brilliant.

Today I was more confident, I was more relaxed in my swing, and turned in a 77% FIR average. Which made me smile. Much more than I would do when I am faffing about in the trees looking for balls. I also didn't lose a single ball today either, which is a first.

This is basically me emptying my head of how happy I was on the course, and I know there will be times where I will shank it, but having the knowledge is golden. If anyone is considering lessons, then do it. If you want to invest in your game, then lessons will really make you feel better about that £200 driver you bought to make you play like Tiger Woods. :)

Happy golfer.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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http://forums.golf-monthly.co.uk/showthread.php?67275-Swing-Posture post #4 - 05.23.
[h=2]Re: Swing Posture[/h]
Posture a ways better in the second clip for sure. Just need to work on making sure your shoulders aren't a little ways open (aimed left) at address.
Then making sure that when your body stops turning in the backswing you arms, hands & club stop too. {at present your body/shoulder turn stops but your arms keep going so the left elbow breaks down, all combined you get a ways too long, overswing & cross the line at the top (club pointing back over the ball/target line to the right of target)}

Means it makes your hands & arms & shoulders start the downswing (instead of lower body) so the path coming down with hands arms shoulders & club is a ways too steep & across the line (over the top) so you're swinging left across the ball through impact, depending on where the club face if looking pull hook, pull, slice, at best a workable fade.

Thing's I"m sure your instructor has said or will say depending how many lessons you've had so far. Always best to get good one on one instruction the best way to go for sure. The sooner you do that from taking the game up the better too.

Things too look out for, shoulder alignment square to ball/target line at set up. Making sure your arm swing stops when your body turn does going back so you don't overswing & cross the line at the top. (plays havoc with the timing & direction & path of the downswing & so your impact conditions.)
Don't forget the weight transfer goes the same way as the body turn & club direction, so going back weight turns into the inside of the right foot, from top of the downswing weight needs to be on the left foot, then the swing direction arms club, right shoulder moves first 'downwards' not outwards towards your ball/target line, so by time of strike your weight is mostly 85%+ on the left leg, your striking 'down' (with every club except driver) & through, trust the loft on the club to get the ball in the air, don't be tempted to keep weight on your right side & lean back a ways to help the ball up.

Keep the rhythm, on the right track there, posture adjustments made looking good, good luck with it, keep the lessons up don't be tempted to stop because things begin to go a ways better. Most folks stop taking lessons a good ways too soon, if the $'s allow, keep them going.


Challenge Tour Pro
Dec 19, 2011
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That's been my experience too. I'm just finishing a course of 7 lessons with our club pro (for the price of 4!!..I'm a Yorkshireman so cannot resist a discount!). The improvement is marked through all parts of my game... but still could not resist a new SLDR driver as well:eek:


Challenge Tour Pro
Aug 23, 2010
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Went round in 93 yesterday with my Dad, putting average of 1.8 - submitted that card for my opening handicap, along with 2 other cards. Hoping they take my 93 because I only had 2 holes where I had to round down to double bogey, so hoping I'll get a handicap of 21, which is way ahead of my initial target.

On the right tracks.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Not had a lesson for a while which has been a change. Lots over the winter on a few swing changes and in the spring focusing on short game but I have played most of the season trusting the work I've done. A bit frustrating that the handicap has remained the same despite much better ball striking and improved short game and I can't shake off two bad holes per round that are killing buffer zone or handicap chances

Glad you've had the lightbulb moment and hope the confidence and improved path/strikes continues and that your FIR and other numbers improve. Like you I'm a big fan of tuition (golf has never come that easily) and would rather invest in these than the latest state of the art driver


Challenge Tour Pro
Aug 23, 2010
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Not had a lesson for a while which has been a change. Lots over the winter on a few swing changes and in the spring focusing on short game but I have played most of the season trusting the work I've done. A bit frustrating that the handicap has remained the same despite much better ball striking and improved short game and I can't shake off two bad holes per round that are killing buffer zone or handicap chances

Glad you've had the lightbulb moment and hope the confidence and improved path/strikes continues and that your FIR and other numbers improve. Like you I'm a big fan of tuition (golf has never come that easily) and would rather invest in these than the latest state of the art driver

Absolutely. Really enjoying it at the moment.