Lesson one... The grip


Money List Winner
Jan 24, 2008
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Ok guys just got back from the first lesson and i must say, i am 20% disapointed and 80% excited. here's why.

I have been playing for about 6 months now, and as a right handed golfer i play 'caggie handed' and have my right hand at the top of the club and left at the bottom. Its how i have always held a club, (on the field when i was a kid) so it just feels natural to me. Alot of people have said i should change but it just felt to wierd.

So, tonight at my first lesson the pro asks me to hit a few balls and says i see you hit them to the right. And then if by magic i read his mind. 'let me guess, have your tried it the other way round' he said. Yes and it doesnt feel right was my reply but your the pro so if you think i should then i will.

Basically he convinced me that because i have only been playing 6 months that in the long run it will benefit me if i cahnge now, because it shouldnt take too long to forget the old grip and pick up the new one. (if i had been playing for years he would of just stuck with my current grip)

So, he proceeded by setting me up with the correct grip and making me take a few practice swings. Then hitting some half swing of a tee. By the end of the lesson i was hitting full swings and quite straight too. And probably getting the same distance i was with my caggie handed grip. The differennce was, i felt i didnt have to try as hard. We worked on releasing the hands and correcting the swing plane.

I must admit, i felt like i looked stupid but am actually glad that he made me do it. I dont think i will actually go out and play a few rounds for a while but just hit a couple thousand balls over the next few months and let muscle memory do its thing.

Booked in for another lesson next wednesday to see how am getting on, in the mean time, Its dedication, persistance and hard work!


Money List Winner
Jan 18, 2008
Verwood, Dorset.
With the lessons I had last year the pro changed my grip from an interlocking grip to an overlapping grip, 'because I wasn't releasing on the downswing'. A year later I have gone back to interlocking as I have improved my release and I find I have more control that way, and hitting fairways way above my h'cap.

It's just different for everyone.

Wasn't there a pro on the Euro tour a few years ago who played right handed but with the right hand above the left? He seemed to play quite well.


Club Champion
Dec 13, 2007
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Sounds as though you visited a good pro.

I used to play the same way when I took the game up and changing was the best thing I ever done.

But don't worry if you can't get the hang of it.

My mate plays of 4 "Cack Handed". :D


Q-School Graduate
Jun 20, 2007
West Country
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I think you've done the right thing - if nothing else it means you can live the rest of your golfing life without anyone else nagging you about it! and all those tips on books and mags will make more sense. Best of luck with it.


Tour Winner
Jul 15, 2007
I don't think there's anything like a good lesson with a pro to put you back on track with your golf.
You leave feeling very excited and with a completely renewed enthusiasm for the game.

It's true that practise makes perfect, however I also think that "correct" practise makes even more perfect.

Stay with it Tony, looks like your pro knows what he's talking about. Stick with him.


Money List Winner
Jan 24, 2008
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Ali B, i have always looked to video's and books for tips and advice but thought they never really made much sense to me because my grip is different! I felt i was always using a fault to correct a fault. And although before my lesson i had the best 9 holes i have played in ages, 39 on a par 31 i feel the game will be easier when i get used to the grip.

Basher, yeah he seems like a top bloke, only young too. Hopefully just have a lesson a week for a few weeks and then go for every two weeks or one a month maybe.

I really just wanna get back out there now and hit some balls.

First thing tommorow i will be taking the 7 iron only to the range. and spending the morning there.

I forgot to mention in the O.P that he advised me not to change my hands around on my putter and still putt caggie handed!


Tour Winner
Aug 19, 2007
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These things are a pain....stick with it though....I would have put money on this happening.
Easier to do it now....


Q-School Graduate
Jan 7, 2008
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Bit of an obvious one but have you thought about having a club to hand at home or in work? The more you practice that grip the more quickly it will feel natural (no sniggering Jones)

One thing I wouldn't recommend at home (unless you have high ceilings) is practicing your full swing. I used to do this until I realised that the habit I had formed of pulling out of the full follow through at about hip point (to save the ceiling plasterwork) had worked it's way into my playing swing leaving a stifled release which i'm still trying to fend off to this day :(


Money List Winner
Jan 24, 2008
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yeah am gonna leave a club somewhere around the house, and each time i pass it am gonna pick it up. The grip feels fatter in my left hand!:D

Off down to range early to practice whilst its still fresh.