Left handed grip


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Sep 6, 2020
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New golfer here. Brand new - I’ve played a small 9 hole par 32 course four times and attended the driving range twice. I have noticed improvements but obviously haven’t had enough practice yet to notice it massively.
My question is regarding gripping the club - the conventional grip for a lefty would be to have the left hand supporting the club on the bottom of the grip with the right hand above it, right? Well I feel much more comfortable and feel as though I have more control of the club if I grip it the opposite way round, with my left hand on top and right hand underneath. Is this ok? Any particular disadvantage doing it this way?

Does this mean I would probably be more suited to right handed clubs? I am left handed in every other part of my life so I just assumed I would be left handed in golf. I’ve tried my friend’s right handed clubs and I am significantly less accurate.

Thanks for any help


Head Pro
Sep 8, 2011
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New golfer here. Brand new - I’ve played a small 9 hole par 32 course four times and attended the driving range twice. I have noticed improvements but obviously haven’t had enough practice yet to notice it massively.
My question is regarding gripping the club - the conventional grip for a lefty would be to have the left hand supporting the club on the bottom of the grip with the right hand above it, right? Well I feel much more comfortable and feel as though I have more control of the club if I grip it the opposite way round, with my left hand on top and right hand underneath. Is this ok? Any particular disadvantage doing it this way?

Does this mean I would probably be more suited to right handed clubs? I am left handed in every other part of my life so I just assumed I would be left handed in golf. I’ve tried my friend’s right handed clubs and I am significantly less accurate.

Thanks for any help

Welcome to the forum.

I'm left handed but play golf right -handed, no particular reason for it, it just seemed natural. I don't know of anyone who plays the way you do, with your hands the "wrong" way round. Personally, I would try gripping the conventional way. The standard forum advice is probably useful here - get some lessons from a pro before bad habits get ingrained.


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Sep 6, 2020
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Thanks for your input. Yeah I actually spoke to the pro at my local cub today and he said although it’s uncommon, people do use my grip. He called it ‘cack handed’. I’m planning on getting lessons, as long as it doesn’t have any material impact on my game I’m not fussed with swapping my grip, I just don’t feel like I have any control of the club at all with the conventional grip


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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New golfer here. Brand new - I’ve played a small 9 hole par 32 course four times and attended the driving range twice. I have noticed improvements but obviously haven’t had enough practice yet to notice it massively.
My question is regarding gripping the club - the conventional grip for a lefty would be to have the left hand supporting the club on the bottom of the grip with the right hand above it, right? Well I feel much more comfortable and feel as though I have more control of the club if I grip it the opposite way round, with my left hand on top and right hand underneath. Is this ok? Any particular disadvantage doing it this way?

Does this mean I would probably be more suited to right handed clubs? I am left handed in every other part of my life so I just assumed I would be left handed in golf. I’ve tried my friend’s right handed clubs and I am significantly less accurate.

Thanks for any help

The primary reason for having the leading hand (in your case your right hand ) on the top of the grip and the trailing hand on the bottom is because the leading hand as it suggests leads the swing with a pulling down motion. The trailing hand is considered to be the primary hand for controlling direction.

I have met players who do play cack handed though and it does not seem to have cause any major problem. One downside is that you can never use any sort of training grip as they are all designed for a normal grip.

Phil Mickelson is right handed but plays left handed and it has not done him any harm.


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Sep 6, 2020
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Thanks all - I’m going to arrange some lessons and see if it’ll help me get out of the cack-handed habit, but if not I’m not too against sticking with it as it doesn’t sound like it would have a major impact either way.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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Crack handed would reduce your swing arch a lot I would think.
Reduced head speed means loss of distance.
With the lead hand low you would need to fold your arms a lot on the back and through swing.
Would be difficult getting any shaft lean on your irons as the butt of the club would be in your wrist.
Just thinking aloud never tried it
But ok for short game and putting
Any change to what is the norm feels awful
Lad at my club plays cack but imo would be a far better player with a conventional grip .