Laying a club off.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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like most things in golf ... it kinda depends on a bunch of stuff in a ways but generally it's a shaft at the top that's pointing to leftfield of target (RH golfer)

whether 'laying a club off' atop the swing is good or bad depends on the individual swing motion, often times it can not be a good thing, but for many folks given how the club went back to the top, a 'shallowing' dropping back of the shaft & clubhead can be a good thing

club shaft can be 'layed off' from the get-go of takeback, as the clubhead & shaft is pointed back behind the heel line - perhaps most often times called 'under plane' as in under the shaft plane angle that was there at address set-up

a club shaft can appear 'laid off' at the top (shaft & clubhead pointing leftfield of target, the shaft short of reaching parallel to the target line & a club shaft passing parallel would be 'crossing the line'. the 'line' being referred too is the parallel to target line) - particularly with short & mid irons - but the club & shaft is still is a good place, sound position for the swing - it is 'laid off' simply because the swing is more to 3/4 top position.

'laying the club off' is usually about the top position in reference to the shaft plane, so if you think of a club shaft at address, then if you took another club & put both butt end to butt end the 'top club' would show the continuation of that shaft plane up past the shoulder
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