Kuch Again! Cheapskate Confirmation.

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Challenge Tour Pro
Jan 23, 2015
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No it's not a pathetic dig at all and perhaps I don't know enough about his career but what I do know is he is sticking his nose in other people's business when it's nothing to do with him.

But don't let me having an opinion get in the way of you trying to call me or what I say pathetic. I stand by my opinion whether he is doing well in the seniors tour or not he should be focusing on his own game and not spending more time trying to out other players.

So you're allowed an opinion but I'm not? My opinion is that your derogatory post about Gillis showed you know nothing about him and was pathetic. Comment I'd expect from a bitter ex as a teenager.

You crack on with your own opinion, doesn't bother me.

Deleted member 15344

I gave up bothering on the other thread. Could see where it was headed and circles are boring. Especially when you know you're right 😉

So many people were defending Kuch because that was the 'agreed' rate between the 2. The fact is, that even after the event the caddie didn't know how much he was going to get paid - nothing had been agreed. He knew about the 10% standard and hoped to be earning more than the player he was previously due to caddie for (who earnt $100k ish.) So it was never as black and white as some people claimed - the caddie obviously expected a significant amount that never came, which is likely how the story got out in the first place.

As I said previously, well known cheapskate and $5k (if true) is pathetic. Fully accept that 10% is the going rate for a tour caddie, but would expect 5% as a minimum really. Heck, 10% would have peen a good PR story for Kuch and he wouldnt have missed the change.

Sorry but has the caddy or Kuchar come out and said this ? If not how do you know it’s a fact ?

Edit - just seen the link , all seems strange that the caddy didn’t know what he earned after the event ? That doesn’t seem right at all.

It’s Kuchar money that he earned - surely he is within his own right to do with it as he wishes - quite clearly given a lot to charity over the year so hard to call someone like that a cheapskate

What is clear is this Tom Gillis has some sort of beef with Kuchar - maybe it’s a touch of jealously

But what Kuchar pays his caddy is up to him , he pays him what he thinks the work is worth at the end. If the caddy isn’t happy with that and right now there has been nothing from the caddy to suggest he was unhappy with what he earned


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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So you're allowed an opinion but I'm not? My opinion is that your derogatory post about Gillis showed you know nothing about him and was pathetic. Comment I'd expect from a bitter ex as a teenager.

You crack on with your own opinion, doesn't bother me.
Did i say you weren't allowed an opinion :unsure:

Nope I definitely didn't say that so that's you saying that...

Im not allowed say something derogatory about Gillis but you, others and Gillis can about Kuch🤔

Im now likened to a jealous ex teenager yet I haven't felt the need to aim petty digs at you 🤔

My opinion doesn't bother you yet you quoted it and called it pathetic because you didn't like it 🤔

Yeah you're right clearly it's all just me isn't it thats got the issue here 😂


Provider of Entertainment for the Golfing Gods 🙄
Oct 29, 2009
Aylesbury Bucks
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So you're allowed an opinion but I'm not? My opinion is that your derogatory post about Gillis showed you know nothing about him and was pathetic. Comment I'd expect from a bitter ex as a teenager.

You crack on with your own opinion, doesn't bother me.
Did i say you weren't allowed an opinion :unsure:

Nope I definitely didn't say that so that's you saying that...

Im not allowed say something derogatory about Gillis but you, others and Gillis can about Kuch🤔

Im now likened to a jealous ex teenager yet I haven't felt the need to aim petty digs at you 🤔

My opinion doesn't bother you yet you quoted it and called it pathetic because you didn't like it 🤔

Yeah you're right clearly it's all just me isn't it thats got the issue here 😂

Oi pack it in please,

Agree to disagree and move on

Thank you 👍


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Aug 6, 2007
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And Michael Bamberger has verified 10 and 11 and you know beyond all doubt this is correct? Not the first time articles will have been put out with a passing nod at accuracy and truth

Agree with LP and others, Gillis definitely has some sort of axe to grind. Ultimately until either party puts down exactly what was agreed and what attachments were or weren't included this is still all conjecture


Jan 15, 2019
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Phil sent me a private message saying he was closing the thread because of me. I felt his response to me was very inappropriate. I doubt I am allowed to post it here. He claimed I was the one winding up other members.

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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Phil sent me a private message saying he was closing the thread because of me. I felt his response to me was very inappropriate. I doubt I am allowed to post it here. He claimed I was the one winding up other members.
I think they are trying to protect him.

Phil will probably close this post for me saying so.
Keep posting like that and it will get closed. Leave it alone and the thread can continue, if it really needs to......


Jan 15, 2019
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Keep posting like that and it will get closed. Leave it alone and the thread can continue, if it really needs to......
Well, truth is truth. I won't let others try to prevent me from speaking it.

I guess Tom Gillis is the same way. Good for him. I guess at least one simple guy in Mexico will appreciate it.


Provider of Entertainment for the Golfing Gods 🙄
Oct 29, 2009
Aylesbury Bucks
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Phil sent me a private message saying he was closing the thread because of me. I felt his response to me was very inappropriate. I doubt I am allowed to post it here. He claimed I was the one winding up other members.

Ok if you want to play hardball, this is the pm I sent,


Think it’s best to have a little chat to clear the air

My job as moderator is to keep order and I am also responsible for ensuring that the content of posts is in line with both the forum rules and the editorial ethos of Golf Monthly Magazine.

GM has a responsibility to the sport to be fair and accurate, particularly regarding individual players as negative publicity may have implications on players reputations, sponsorships etc.

The problems with this thread were that it was based on very few facts, then was embellished with hearsay, speculation and conjecture to the point where the facts were lost.

The thread was closed because it had run it’s course, it had gone off topic and your input was causing some bad feeling with other members.

We encourage debate, it’s what the forum is about, but what you were doing yesterday was to continually repeat your opinion to the point that it starts to wind other members up.

By all means restate your opinion a couple of times if necessary, but don’t go on and on about it.

I think the volume of similar posts in a fairly forceful manner in such a short time from a new poster set a few people off.
I mean you don’t turn up at the golf club you have just joined and pick a fight with the club captain on your first day. do you?

Settle in, take it easy, contribute, but know when to stop.
Remember that often “Less is more”


If anyone can see anything wrong with that then flay me,


Jan 15, 2019
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Ok if you want to play hardball, this is the pm I sent,


Think it’s best to have a little chat to clear the air

My job as moderator is to keep order and I am also responsible for ensuring that the content of posts is in line with both the forum rules and the editorial ethos of Golf Monthly Magazine.

GM has a responsibility to the sport to be fair and accurate, particularly regarding individual players as negative publicity may have implications on players reputations, sponsorships etc.

The problems with this thread were that it was based on very few facts, then was embellished with hearsay, speculation and conjecture to the point where the facts were lost.

The thread was closed because it had run it’s course, it had gone off topic and your input was causing some bad feeling with other members.

We encourage debate, it’s what the forum is about, but what you were doing yesterday was to continually repeat your opinion to the point that it starts to wind other members up.

By all means restate your opinion a couple of times if necessary, but don’t go on and on about it.

I think the volume of similar posts in a fairly forceful manner in such a short time from a new poster set a few people off.
I mean you don’t turn up at the golf club you have just joined and pick a fight with the club captain on your first day. do you?

Settle in, take it easy, contribute, but know when to stop.
Remember that often “Less is more”


If anyone can see anything wrong with that then flay me,
And here was my reply;

What does the length of time I have been posting here have to do with anything? My opinion was different than yours. To say that others were allowed to post opposing opinions to mine (and others) but then to call my posts offending?

I made no attacks on anyone. In fact quite the opposite was true. i was called a troll, and told what I should post by others, because they disagreed with me. Did you send warnings to them?

My opinions was no forceful than others, and yet you claimed I was the only one arguing. Considering that you were one of those opposing opinions it seems you are playing favourites.

Very poor form from a moderator.

You never responded why you didn't reprimand others for calling me a troll for my opinion, and you accused me of "winding up other members" ???

You used the analogy of showing up at a club the first day and picking a fight with the other members. Conveniently you didn't use the analogy of when a new member joins a club you don't call him a troll, because you have been a member longer. And this is a discussion forum, remember. People are supposed to discuss things, and (shocking) they may disagree.

You overstepped your role by singling me out.


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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Has the caddy even complained at how much he got paid?? They must have agreed a fee and he got paid that fee. Job done surely?

Who the hell is Tom Gillis??


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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Has the caddy even complained at how much he got paid?? They must have agreed a fee and he got paid that fee. Job done surely?

Who the hell is Tom Gillis??
Nobody knows as the Caddy has been quiet about it, but seems we can't let facts get in the way of a witch hunt.


Head Pro
Jan 22, 2013
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I'm starting to feel sorry for the Caddy now, not because he was stiffed but because he's now the story and getting a bit of infamy for the wrong reasons - thanks Gillis. By the time of the tourney next year, I think El Tucan may well have had enough with the questions and whether he'll caddy again in the pro tournament.

Anyway, now that Gillis is killing it on 'tour', why doesn't he invite the caddy along for the rest of the season and pay him 10%. As he's that concerned and all for the guys well being.

But, worth noting - he's not exactly Otto from Happy Gilmore, earning $1200 a week although I accept that's not the 'principle' of the thing, but he shouldn't be portrayed as an object of sympathy. Also, he caddies essentially for a living, and didn't know the going rate in the pro ranks? I don't caddy, have never caddied for a pro before, and don't have an 8 handicap, but even I had some idea caddies get a cut of the winnings.

As I said, hobby horse for Gillis, I imagine the caddy will wish he never caddied for Kuchar by the time he inevitably gets 'paid' and Gillis claims it as a great victory.


Jul 13, 2015
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I gave up bothering on the other thread. Could see where it was headed and circles are boring. Especially when you know you're right 😉

So many people were defending Kuch because that was the 'agreed' rate between the 2. The fact is, that even after the event the caddie didn't know how much he was going to get paid - nothing had been agreed. He knew about the 10% standard and hoped to be earning more than the player he was previously due to caddie for (who earnt $100k ish.) So it was never as black and white as some people claimed - the caddie obviously expected a significant amount that never came, which is likely how the story got out in the first place.

As I said previously, well known cheapskate and $5k (if true) is pathetic. Fully accept that 10% is the going rate for a tour caddie, but would expect 5% as a minimum really. Heck, 10% would have peen a good PR story for Kuch and he wouldnt have missed the change.

This is the way I see it and a huge faux pas by Kuch. Caught with his pants down with his tight attitude. Could have been great PR instead he's brought negativity on himself, tour and sponsors.
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