Knuckle Touching???

Its form Tennis I think, they always do it when they play doubles.
Really does not affect me, if anything I like seeing the players do it.
I see what you mean. I think it comes from the US 'ring' thing - you know, they get class rings, team rings, NFL winners get rings. It's less touching knuckles than touching rings - even if symbolic.
Touching rings haha mental image made me chuckle, grow up Tony.

I am a firm believer of the high 5 low 5!
I prefer the good old jumping belly nudge, with a COME ON!!!! to add effect!

Jimenez and Weekley would be best at that!

Agree knockle touching is inappropriate, better a pat on the back.
At least it's not the high five Azinger style!

What really getting my goat is the constant whipping up of the crowd by Weekley and Holmes :mad:

(But that's probably because they are winning)
We should think ourselves lucky it's knuckle touching. The way Weekley whoops and hollers I'm sure he'd be more at home knuckle dragging!
Add the gormless booing by the crowd everytme he makes a shot........ only in America!
anyone see Anthony Kim attempting to knock Phil Mickleson out with a series of high fives yesterday!? Mickleson was even beginning to flinch towards the end of the round such was the ferocity of Kim's expression of congratulations.
The knuckle touching struck me as a bit artificial. Not my thing I am afraid. Better a clap on the shoulder, or heaven forbid, a high five or two.
. . . and these caddies are getting too big for their boots. didn't see one doff his cap to his master!! scandalous behaviour.

Horrified of Hackney (Col rtd)