Assistant Pro
I made the moved and tryewd a new coach today rather than my local coach who was district coach and all i can say is what a imrpovment
will list thing with old and new coachs and you can see the difference yourself
Old coach:
1) try keep left left more straighter on back swing
2) stronger left grip
3) closer stance
4)shoulder alignment
While i was doing these i was stuggling to even hit the ball well during the lesson and really struggled last few weeks trying to adapot the above. I was striking the ball well but was adapoting a push fade and i got to the stage i was playing for this off the tee and with my woods off tee and even my wedges were fading.
I was getting to the stage i didnt know what to do as seemed my local coach knew what he was doing tho but thought would try another opinion. He was even using video and showed me and looked like i was improving etc
New coach:
I only had a 30minute slot with him but was well worth it. Started off with a few shots to see where i could improve and the following was changed
1) grip was good as it was
2) widen stance
3) ball a wee bit back in stance
4) club more upright
5) hands forward at address a wee touch
6) transfer weight onto right foot
7) on follow through need to roll my hands over.
Oh my god what a difference it has made in such a short time. I was able to take proper divots which were straight at target. the ball flight was good and the shots were straight aswell. am well impressed and also it felt alot better aswell. gave me confidence to stand over the ball and able to attack the target.
Off to practice some this afternoon will update when i return
will list thing with old and new coachs and you can see the difference yourself
Old coach:
1) try keep left left more straighter on back swing
2) stronger left grip
3) closer stance
4)shoulder alignment
While i was doing these i was stuggling to even hit the ball well during the lesson and really struggled last few weeks trying to adapot the above. I was striking the ball well but was adapoting a push fade and i got to the stage i was playing for this off the tee and with my woods off tee and even my wedges were fading.
I was getting to the stage i didnt know what to do as seemed my local coach knew what he was doing tho but thought would try another opinion. He was even using video and showed me and looked like i was improving etc
New coach:
I only had a 30minute slot with him but was well worth it. Started off with a few shots to see where i could improve and the following was changed
1) grip was good as it was
2) widen stance
3) ball a wee bit back in stance
4) club more upright
5) hands forward at address a wee touch
6) transfer weight onto right foot
7) on follow through need to roll my hands over.
Oh my god what a difference it has made in such a short time. I was able to take proper divots which were straight at target. the ball flight was good and the shots were straight aswell. am well impressed and also it felt alot better aswell. gave me confidence to stand over the ball and able to attack the target.
Off to practice some this afternoon will update when i return