I've Finally Given Up


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Feb 27, 2010
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Watching the horrific scenes on the TV on Sunday morning after a brilliant night out on Saturday it really hit home to me whilst we were out having a great time all those affected in London were having a shocking evening. I just kept thinking how awful it was for them, whilst we were bouncing around the pub we were in. Usually I would be ranting at the TV about what to do about these scum but strangely I wasn't. I just stared in horror at the TV (which just isn't me). I just have decided not to bother ranting at this anymore, or in fact any of the muppets currently standing to represent me in ruling my country. They will never do what I want them to do, so I've given up on it all. There' just no point. I will concentrate on things local that will affect me and my family, things that I can do something about. I feel sad even typing this. There's nothing we can do, nobody will ever do what is necessary to put my country and other countries right, so I've given up.

srixon 1

Journeyman Pro
Oct 5, 2011
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Watching the horrific scenes on the TV on Sunday morning after a brilliant night out on Saturday it really hit home to me whilst we were out having a great time all those affected in London were having a shocking evening. I just kept thinking how awful it was for them, whilst we were bouncing around the pub we were in. Usually I would be ranting at the TV about what to do about these scum but strangely I wasn't. I just stared in horror at the TV (which just isn't me). I just have decided not to bother ranting at this anymore, or in fact any of the muppets currently standing to represent me in ruling my country. They will never do what I want them to do, so I've given up on it all. There' just no point. I will concentrate on things local that will affect me and my family, things that I can do something about. I feel sad even typing this. There's nothing we can do, nobody will ever do what is necessary to put my country and other countries right, so I've given up.

You must not give up, or "they" have won.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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I know the feeling. When I heard the news late Saturday night I switched off as soon as I had heard what had happened, and have not really had any appetite for watching or listening to any detailed analysis of the atrocity. I am interested in what might be done - but not in what has happened.


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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Weirdly I've gone the other way. I am so flipping angry that I want to fight the cowardly gits. Seriously I think if I was unlucky to be caught up in one of their cowardly attacks I'd tear them limb from limb. Or at least that's how it feels...

Deleted member 15344

Watching the horrific scenes on the TV on Sunday morning after a brilliant night out on Saturday it really hit home to me whilst we were out having a great time all those affected in London were having a shocking evening. I just kept thinking how awful it was for them, whilst we were bouncing around the pub we were in. Usually I would be ranting at the TV about what to do about these scum but strangely I wasn't. I just stared in horror at the TV (which just isn't me). I just have decided not to bother ranting at this anymore, or in fact any of the muppets currently standing to represent me in ruling my country. They will never do what I want them to do, so I've given up on it all. There' just no point. I will concentrate on things local that will affect me and my family, things that I can do something about. I feel sad even typing this. There's nothing we can do, nobody will ever do what is necessary to put my country and other countries right, so I've given up.

You seem to be venting more anger towards the government as opposed to anything else ?

This country and indeed many countries around the globe have been at the hands of terrorists for decades even centuries. How long were we under the threat of the IRA ? 40 years ? And I expect more lives have been lost at their hands

And what you want the government to do you are right won't be done because it drops us down to levels the decent human being don't want to go. There will always be conflict in the world , there were always be people out there willing to murder someone else - to live in perfect peaceful harmony is imo impossible

But people should never give up or give in to them - we should always fight against people who want to take away our rights to live our lives but we should never fight eye for an eye - we should always rise above them and be defiant towards them


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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You seem to be venting more anger towards the government as opposed to anything else ?

This country and indeed many countries around the globe have been at the hands of terrorists for decades even centuries. How long were we under the threat of the IRA ? 40 years ? And I expect more lives have been lost at their hands

And what you want the government to do you are right won't be done because it drops us down to levels the decent human being don't want to go. There will always be conflict in the world , there were always be people out there willing to murder someone else - to live in perfect peaceful harmony is imo impossible

But people should never give up or give in to them - we should always fight against people who want to take away our rights to live our lives but we should never fight eye for an eye - we should always rise above them and be defiant towards them

..but we need not always turn the other cheek

Deleted member 15344

Nope...no anger. If no one will do anything then I'm not going to be angry about it anymore.

Do you really think no one is doing anything ?! That's pretty shocking considering the amount of hard work a lot of people put in trying to keep you safe to allow you to post that nonsense


Money List Winner
Sep 18, 2010
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Things like this need to be addressed at their cause.

It may not be popular but police on th streets is extremely effective in handling incidents as they happen. As sadly proven, in an ideal world we would have the capability but not the need.

The money need to go, as I understand May is focusing, on the causes.

It's a very small number of individuals in this country but still not insignificant enough to not warrant atteniton.

Working with those best placed to prevent will mean we have less incidents.

It saddens me that some politicians jump on these events and try to use them, criticising at this time is not ok. It makes people think that just flooding the streets with police will work.

Sounds a bit sticking plaster to me...

I've not given up, I want to fight, just to build a world of tolerance and acceptance of other views with extremes addressed. It's almost an impossible balance but to give up on that is a backwards step.

Local issues pale into insigniicance. We need to focus on global issues like climate change and terrorism.

Preparing the foundations for the future of our planet is our job, ensuring future generations are not affected by an approach to only benefit the short term (our generation) and immediate surroundings (our school, workplace, commute, town/borough).

Only one party is truly looking as far forward as that and they have only a handful of seats at best.

I've always tried to avoid thinking about "now" and local and always tried to see how I can change the whole world for the better.


Tour Winner
Feb 27, 2010
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Do you really think no one is doing anything ?! That's pretty shocking considering the amount of hard work a lot of people put in trying to keep you safe to allow you to post that nonsense

Super job they are doing of that. All three were known. One was even LET IN to the country. Crack on with keeping us safe our security services. (read this with a resigned note in your head, not a loud ranting sound).


Journeyman Pro
Sep 7, 2012
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Seeing as most of your suggestions on how you would 'resolve' the issue are unworkable and generally unhelpful, I'd say good for you to taking a step back. Hopefully more people with the same opinion as you do the same and let the security services and those with the relevant expertise try and sort it out.


Tour Winner
Feb 27, 2010
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Seeing as most of your suggestions on how you would 'resolve' the issue are unworkable and generally unhelpful, I'd say good for you to taking a step back. Hopefully more people with the same opinion as you do the same and let the security services and those with the relevant expertise try and sort it out.

Thing is it's not just me that were/are still saying how to resolve the situation and because no one can actually do these things and yet what they are doing is ineffective so there's nowt more to do. We will forever walk in fear wherever we go.

Deleted member 15344

Thing is it's not just me that were/are still saying how to resolve the situation and because no one can actually do these things and yet what they are doing is ineffective so there's nowt more to do. We will forever walk in fear wherever we go.

What you suggest would "resolve" the situation won't actually achieve that - that's why no one will actually do the things you suggest , they will not make a difference and possibly make things worse.

We have been walking in fear for as long as I can remember because there will always be humans out there looking to cause chaos - that's been like that since day one.


Journeyman Pro
Sep 7, 2012
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Thing is it's not just me that were/are still saying how to resolve the situation and because no one can actually do these things and yet what they are doing is ineffective so there's nowt more to do. We will forever walk in fear wherever we go.
It isn't ineffective though. The UK police have thwarted something like 13 attacks since 2013. Since 2013 and the murder of Lee Rigby there have been 5 attacks, or which 4 were supposed supporters of ISIS

Leytonstone Tube - lone nutter (no fatalities)
Jo Cox Murder - not Islamic based - lone right wing nutter
Westminster Attack
Manchester Arena
London Bridge

I'm certainly not walking around in fear.

Could more be done? Of course, but creating anger, division and fear isn't the answer.


Tour Rookie
Aug 7, 2015
I've not given up on humanity but I am seriously giving up on religion. It is without a doubt that most angst in this world is caused by somebodies religious beliefs. Not the basic ones as most religions teach humanity, forgiveness and tolerance. It is the extremists, in any religion, who take one part of the readings and use it to further their twisted view on life.
And I am not picking out any particular religion here. It can, and be in any religion, whether it be Protestants v Catholics, Sunnis v Shia, or whatever. Because they interpret something that was written up to two thousand years ago in their own manner and with their own slant you can read pretty much whatever you like into it.
Look at some of the religious fanatics in the USA who don't believe in Evolution.
Or the amount of people who say God is on their side. In every battle it seems every opposing faction has "God on their side" which means they are all seriously misguided or God is incredibly schizophrenic!
So am I religious? I was but it's getting less and less by the day the more I see people doing things like this "In the name of God!"