Is Westwood a whinger?

to an extent you can blame the RC organisation. the days of purist golf are long gone and it is now far more about moneyspinning. To get the $$$ they need crowds and there are only so many golfers who can or will attend. therefore you come down to 'rent a mob' with little or no understanding of golf just that it's us against them, and on both sides of the pond. with the amount they are paying to get in there is no way they will take being told that they are permitted only to politely applaud.
"the days of purist golf are long gone and it is now far more about moneyspinning. To get the $$$ they need crowds and there are only so many golfers who can or will attend. therefore you come down to 'rent a mob' with little or no understanding of golf just that it's us against them, and on both sides of the pond. with the amount they are paying to get in there is no way they will take being told that they are permitted only to politely applaud."

You can say the same for any of the majors (or bigger tour events). I have noticed a gradual decline in the standards of the spectators behaviour at the Open over the past 10 years. Is it a knock-on effect of the Tiger Syndrome? Are people going to the Open nowadays to watch Tiger and only Tiger ? The Open is an expensive day out nowadays, but, I do think closer control has to be taken by the organisers over the movement of spectators close to greens and tees to stop the mass move of bodies when Tiger holes his putt. There is often another player still to hole out and they don't get the consideration required.
Westwood certain had good cause to mention the crowd antics, particularly as someone insulted his mother and others saw fit to call his hotel very early one morning (even though they got the wrong Westwood at first).

I saw the press conference and he was quite relaxed and humorous about it so perhaps there's some spin to wade through courtesy of the media?
I think westwood had a point.

I also thought the American attitude (crowd and encouragement)was poor from time to time.
I know its a pressure comp but some behavior was out of order. The Americans played better this time but as is often the case in RC, America has a lot to learn about sportsmanship, as players/captains and supporting crowd.
Part of American culture is win win win at all costs, you are either a winner or a loser over there and losers are frowned upon. Its entrenched in their psyche.We have to rise above it even though its irritating.It makes us better winners when its our turn.