Tour Winner
They kind of banned Creatine, they asked for it to be a banned substance but with it being impossible to test for they dropped it and banned the sale of it instead, they have also banned Red Bull and similar energy drinks, they are bit nutty about that kinda stuff in France.
True Tiger did put a load of muscle on quickly but his genetics are awesome and trainers the best in the world.
His supplements list prob looked like: - Protein shakes 3 times a day, Creatine, Glutamine, Tribulus, BCAA, Caesein and others like Glucosamine, Cod liver oil multi vit etc
You really would be amazed at what some athletes legally take, its a joke within Sports Science that US athlete have the most expensive piss in the world.
True Tiger did put a load of muscle on quickly but his genetics are awesome and trainers the best in the world.
His supplements list prob looked like: - Protein shakes 3 times a day, Creatine, Glutamine, Tribulus, BCAA, Caesein and others like Glucosamine, Cod liver oil multi vit etc
You really would be amazed at what some athletes legally take, its a joke within Sports Science that US athlete have the most expensive piss in the world.